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Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D100-50x10mm siliver: silver
Euro Manager Kalender 6-spr.

Euro Manager Kalender 6-spr.

Sechssprachiger Kalender: D, F, GB, NL, I und ES. Umschlag aus Lederimitat. 2-Farbendruck, garngebunden, 132 Seiten weißes, holzfreies Schreibpapier. Eine Woche über 2 Seiten, Monatsübersicht bei jeder Woche mit Wochennummerierung. Jahresübersicht für das laufende und die ersten vier Monate des Folgejahres mit einer Zeile pro Tag. Jahreskalender für das laufende und Folgejahres. Adressregister und seidene Leselitze. Umschlag in blau mit Silberschnitt, 2 verchromten Schutzecken und Silberdruck auf der Vorderseite. Umschlag in bordeaux und schwarz mit Goldschnitt, 2 vergoldeten Schutzecken und Golddruck auf der Vorderseite. Artikelnummer: 1029687 Druckbereich: 100 x 50 mm Druckfarben: max. 1 Gewicht: 90 g Maße: Maße: 17,5 x 8,5 cm. 90 g. Verpackungseinheit: 200 Zolltarifnummer: 48201050
Kombi-Zapfsäule Serie Uni 100 Diesel/Adblue mit Tankautomat mit MID-Zulassung

Kombi-Zapfsäule Serie Uni 100 Diesel/Adblue mit Tankautomat mit MID-Zulassung

Kombi-Zapfsäule Uni 100 Ausführung Diesel / Adblue - Professionelle Hydraulik - Abgabe wahlweise ca. 50/30 – 80/30 - 120/30Ltr. / Min. - Deutsches Produkt - Keine Importware Zweischlauch - Kombi - Zapfsäule Serie Uni 100 - Ausführung 2 Produkte Diesel / Adblue - 1 x Diesel Förderleistung ca. 50 Ltr./Min.*** - 1 x Adblue Förderleistung ca. 30 Ltr./Min. - Ausführung für Tankautomat Fabr. K+S Typ TDE 100 - LCD-Anzeige mit Hintergrundbeleuchtung - Ohne Parallelabgabe - Verzinktes Gehäuse und Behangbleche - 1 x Zapfventil DN 16 mit Automatik - 1 x Zapfventil Edelstahl DN 16 - 1 x Zapfschlauch DN 16 Länge 4,0 Mtr. - 1 x Heizschlauch DN 16 Adblue Länge 4,0 Mtr. - Professionelle Hydraulik Monoblock mit Kolbenmesser - Kreiselpumpe Edelstahl mit Ovalradzähler Edelstahl - Zweikanal-Impulsgeber - Isolierung 15 mm - Heizlüfter mit Thermostat - Angebot versteht sich zuzügl. Montage Artikelnummer: TP15.007.01.00 Zulassung: MID
Remote MasterMind™ Scanner-Managementsoftware

Remote MasterMind™ Scanner-Managementsoftware

Bietet eine schnelle und bequeme Lösung für IT-Administratoren, die alle Scanner in ihrem Netzwerk zentral per Fernzugriff verwalten möchten.


unterstützt sämtliche Lagerbewegungen wie Einlagerung, Auslagerung, Bestandskorrekturen und Umlagerung auf mehrere Lagerstandorte unterschiedlichster Lagertypen (z.B. Blocklager, Durchlauflager, Hochregallager, Shuttle) und wurde für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen, aber auch für den dezentralen Einsatz in Großunternehmen entwickelt.
Schranke für privates Zufahrtsmanagment

Schranke für privates Zufahrtsmanagment

Schranke Moovi mit Stromversorgungsmotor 230 V für Durchfahrtsbreiten bis 3 m und einer Öffnungszeit von 4 Sekunden. 1-Phasen-Motor im Ölbad laufendes Getriebe kompakte Bauform Verlangsamungsphase beim Öffnen und Schließen (nur Schnelllauf) elektromechanische Endschalter bewegungsumkehrende Hinderniserkennung mittels Encoder Lieferung inklusive der passenden Ausgleichsfeder geeignet für private Wohn- und kleine Industrieanlagen 2 Versionen und 1 Schnelllauf Variante verfügbar Technische Daten MOOVI 30 RMM MOOVI 30 S MOOVI 60 RMM Durchfahrtsbreite (ohne Zubehör am Baum) 2,9 – 3,0 m 2,9 – 3,0 m 4,4 – 6,0 m Dauer ~ 4 Sek. ~ 1,5 + Verlangsamung ~ 8 Sek. Steuerung Leo MV D Leo MV D Leo MV D U-Link nein nein nein Motortyp 1-Phasen 1-Phasen 1-Phasen Motorspannung 230V 230V 230V Frequenzumrichter nein nein nein Verlangsamung nein Öffnung / Schließung nein Quetschschutz Encoder Encoder Encoder Verriegelung mechanisch mechanisch mechanisch Schutzgrad IP 24 IP 24 IP 24 Standardfarbe * RAL 7015 RAL 7015 RAL 7015 ● andere RAL Farben und Edelstahlausführung auf Anfrage Bft, the be ahead full-access specialist. A brand of Group.
Kabel und Kabeldurchführungen HARTING

Kabel und Kabeldurchführungen HARTING

HARTING bietet eine umfassende Palette an Kabeln und Kabeldurchführungen, die speziell für industrielle Anwendungen entwickelt wurden. Diese Produkte gewährleisten Schutz und Ordnung in Schaltschränken und Maschinen. Die Metallgehäuse der Serien Han® B, EMV und M sind auch mit rückseitig angebrachten Kontaktpads erhältlich, was die Bedienung und Installation erheblich vereinfacht. Die vorkonfektionierten und adaptiven Kabel von HARTING erleichtern die Verkabelung und sorgen für eine schnelle und sichere Einrichtung vor Ort. Diese Lösungen sind ideal für den Einsatz in rauen Umgebungen und bieten eine hohe Zuverlässigkeit und Langlebigkeit.


Rohrleitungen haben immer ein Anfang und ein Ende. An diesen Punkten stehen meist komplexe Bauwerke in Form von Pumpwerken, Schalt-, Regel- oder Steueranlagen. Auch diese Bauwerke realisieren wir mit der erforderlichen Fachkunde und Zuverlässigkeit, um die Lebensadern für Wasser, Abwasser, Gas und Wärme sicher zu verbinden.
Q-Test Studio

Q-Test Studio

Q-Test Studio ist die führende Testbench-Softwarelösung, die darauf ausgelegt ist, End-of-Line (EoL)-Tests zu optimieren. Mit vollständig anpassbaren Testruns, konfigurierbaren Teilen und nahtloser Integration in die Industrie 4.0 bietet Q-Test Studio eine umfassende Lösung für industrielle Testprozesse. Die Software ermöglicht es Ihnen, Testparameter zu steuern, Sequenzen zu definieren und Bedingungen zu ändern, um Präzision und Genauigkeit in jedem Test zu gewährleisten. Q-Test Studio unterstützt Sensorenkalibrierung, elektronische Gerätetests und Pumpentests und optimiert Ihre Hardwarekonfiguration für maximale Effizienz und Zuverlässigkeit. Bleiben Sie mit der Industrie 4.0-Integration von Q-Test Studio auf dem neuesten Stand. Profitieren Sie von nahtloser Integration mit Cloud Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) und Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)-Lösungen, die Echtzeit-Datenvisibilität, optimierte Abläufe und fundierte Entscheidungsfindung ermöglichen.
Automation & Testing Suite (ATS)

Automation & Testing Suite (ATS)

Die Automation & Testing Suite, kurz ATS, ist ein Test-Tool für Automotive-Software mit Unterstützung von AUTOSAR. Eine Vielzahl von möglichen Tests können ohne echte Hardware durchgeführt werden. Die zuverlässige Benutzeroberfläche ermöglicht die Definition von Testszenarien und Testfällen, die auch bis ASIL-D automatisch generiert werden können.
Chemikalien Lagerführung

Chemikalien Lagerführung

Wir helfen Ihnen Ihre Gefahrenstoffe sicher zu lagern Beim Lagern von Gefahrstoffen wir oft die damit verbunde Gefährdung unterschätzt. Neben geeigneten Lagerorten, wie Chemikalienschränken oder speziellen Lagern, muss auch darauf geachtet werden, welche Stoffe zusammen in einem Lager gelagert werden dürfen und welche getrennt gelagert werden müssen, damit sie nicht wechselwirken können. Außerdem sollten Sie jederzeit Auskunft geben können wo welche Gefahrstoffe mit welchen Gefahrenmerkmalen lagern. Mit der ChemikalienVerwaltung erfüllen Sie diese Aufgaben automatisch - Sie müssen z.B. nur jede Anlieferung registrieren.
Software & Hardware

Software & Hardware

Barcode und RFID Barcode Unser Scanning Portfolio umfasst klassische Barcodescanner, welche in unterschiedlichsten Ausführungen und Konfigurationen verfügbar sind. Weitere Varianten sind auf Anfrage erhältlich. RFID Der Allrounder für die Datenerfassung. Wir bieten RFID Transponder, Antennen, Gateways, aber auch spezifische RFID-Drucker, MDE's, Software und Netzwerkkomponenten. Weitere Varianten sind gerne auf Anfrage erhältlich.
Kassenbücher online

Kassenbücher online führen

Optimal für Ihre Mandanten: eine leicht bedienbare, webbasierte Anwendung für fehlerfreie Kassenbücher. Schon bei der Eingabe achtet die Software auf eine chronologische Reihenfolge und stellt sicher, dass der Kassenbestand nicht ins Minus rutscht. Alle Kassenbewegungen werden so korrekt erfasst, auch ohne Buchführungskenntnisse. Ist die Kassenbuchführung abgeschlossen, lesen Sie die vorkontierten Kassenbewegungen per Klick in die Buchungserfassung ein.
Mobile Device Portal

Mobile Device Portal

Mit dem Mobile Device Portal verfügen Sie über eine innovative und professionelle Lösung für den Einkauf und die Verwaltung der mobilen Endgeräte in Ihrem Unternehmen. Anwenderfreundlich und flexibel
Fertigungsplattform für Unternehmen und Industrie

Fertigungsplattform für Unternehmen und Industrie

Streametal GbR – CNC-Bearbeitung, Laserschneiden, 3D-Druck und mehr, mit ISO 9001-Qualität und Expressfertigung.
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D30x10mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: 20x3mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: 40x18x10mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D10x1mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D10x5mm siliver: silver
AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: D40x10mm sliver: silver
AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: D50x10mm sliver: silver
AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: Horseshoes Magnets sliver: silver
AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: Alnico round bars sliver: silver
AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: deep pot magnet sliver: silver
AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: Alnico Rectangular Bars magnets sliver: silver
AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: Alnico Rectangular Bars magnets sliver: silver
AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: Alnico ring magnets sliver: silver
AlNiCo Magnet

AlNiCo Magnet

According to different production processes, AlNiCo magnets are divided into cast AlNiCo and sintered AlNiCo. The shapes of the products are mostly round and square. The casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes; compared with the casting process, the sintered product is limited to a smaller size, and the dimensional tolerance of the formed blank is better than that of the cast product, and the magnetic properties are better than that of the cast product The magnetic properties are slightly lower, but the processability is better. Among permanent magnet materials, cast AlNiCo permanent magnets have the lowest reversible temperature coefficient and can work at temperatures up to 550 degrees Celsius. China: Germany Stock Stock g: 1 D13x9mm: holding magnet sliver: silver