Finden Sie schnell testem für Ihr Unternehmen: 42 Ergebnisse

Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Test Card (Xiamen Boson Biotech Co., Ltd, Xiamen, China)

Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Test Card (Xiamen Boson Biotech Co., Ltd, Xiamen, China)

Der Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Test Card ist ein Schnelltest, um vorhandene Viren des Sars Kopf zwei zu identifizieren und kann im Privatgebrauch eingesetzt werden, Zugelassen als Corona-Laientest! Ab sofort können Sie die Tests über uns vorbestellen. Der BOSON Biotech Antigen Schnelltest hat folgende Merkmale: Der SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Schnelltest ist ein auf Immunchromatographie basierender, einstufiger In-vitro-Test. Er dient dem schnellen, qualitativen Nachweis von Antigen gegen SARS-CoV-2 in anterio nasalen (Nase vorne), oropharyngealen (Rachen-) oder nasopharyngealen (Nasenrachenraum hinten)-Abstrichen bei COVID-19 Verdachtspersonen in den ersten sieben Tagen nach Auftreten von Symptomen. Der SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Schnelltest dient nicht als Basis zur Diagnose oder dem Ausschuss einer Infektion. Sensitivität: 96,49 % Spezifität: 99,03 % Genauigkeit: 98,73 % Mindestbestellmenge: 25 000 Tests Die Tests sind unterschiedlich verpackt: 1er Packung 3,95 Euro 5er Packung 3,60 Euro 20er Packung 3,35 Euro Verpackungsinhalt: 20 Corona Schnelltests
Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Test Card (Xiamen Boson Biotech Co., Ltd, Xiamen, China)

Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Test Card (Xiamen Boson Biotech Co., Ltd, Xiamen, China)

Der Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Test Card ist ein Schnelltest, um vorhandene Viren des Sars Kopf zwei zu identifizieren und kann im Privatgebrauch eingesetzt werden, Zugelassen als Corona-Laientest! Ab sofort können Sie die Tests über uns vorbestellen. Der BOSON Biotech Antigen Schnelltest hat folgende Merkmale: Der SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Schnelltest ist ein auf Immunchromatographie basierender, einstufiger In-vitro-Test. Er dient dem schnellen, qualitativen Nachweis von Antigen gegen SARS-CoV-2 in anterio nasalen (Nase vorne), oropharyngealen (Rachen-) oder nasopharyngealen (Nasenrachenraum hinten)-Abstrichen bei COVID-19 Verdachtspersonen in den ersten sieben Tagen nach Auftreten von Symptomen. Der SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Schnelltest dient nicht als Basis zur Diagnose oder dem Ausschuss einer Infektion. Sensitivität: 96,49 % Spezifität: 99,03 % Genauigkeit: 98,73 % Mindestbestellmenge: 25 000 Tests Die Tests sind unterschiedlich verpackt: 1er Packung 3,95 Euro 5er Packung 3,60 Euro 20er Packung 3,35 Euro Verpackungsinhalt: 1 Corona Schnelltest
Prüfstände, Prüfanlagen und Prüfsysteme

Prüfstände, Prüfanlagen und Prüfsysteme

Prüfstände sind Fertigungsstationen, an denen technische (Teil)produkte mithilfe eines oder mehrerer Prüfsysteme reproduzierbar auf ihre Soll-Eigenschaften getestet werden. Komplexe Prüfstände (häufig mit hohem Automatisierungsgrad) werden auch als Prüfanlagen bezeichnet. Vorteile von Prüfständen sind: Testen und Optimierung von Prototypen in der Entwicklung Frühzeitige Aussortierung (und Korrektur) fehlerhafter Produkte in der Fertigung Sicherstellung einer ausreichenden Produktqualität und -sicherheit vor der Auslieferung
OECD 437 / OECD 438 / OECD 491 / OECD 492 / Eye Irritation / Eye damage hazard assessment / in vitro Test

OECD 437 / OECD 438 / OECD 491 / OECD 492 / Eye Irritation / Eye damage hazard assessment / in vitro Test

Eye Irritation / Eye damage hazard assessment in vitro OECD 437, OECD 438, OECD 491, OECD 492, Het cam etc. Fast Project Execution: personal - competent - reliable --> Strategies for Eye Irritation Testing Determination of ocular irritation potential is a key toxicological endpoint required to support chemical and raw material characterization and industrial hygiene, to guide product development, and to achieve final product safety standards. INVITRO-CONNECT possesses extensive experience with numerous test methods and testing strategies for commercial, industrial and regulatory applications. From standard regulatory hazard assessments to providing information on the degree of ocular irritation, to discriminating among extremely mild eye area products, INVITRO-CONNECT’ Study Monitors take the time to understand your specific goals and apply the most relevant, cost-effective strategies to achieve them. Tests for Eye Irritation / Eye damage hazard assessment in vitro: HET-CAM Assay BCOP: OECD 437 Isolated Chicken Eye Test: OECD 438 STE / Short Time Exposure (STE, OECD 491): Ocular Irritection EpiOcular & SkinEthic HCE Reconstructed human Cornea-like Epithelium (RhCE): OECD 492 Assessing Eye Sting-NociOcular Assay: Many personal care and cosmetic products accidentally contact the eye, which is very sensitive to numerous compounds that would otherwise be benign when applied to the skin. Due to the pain and stinging that is perceived, it is important for manufacturers of these products to be aware of the potential pain perceived should eye contact occur. Eye Irritation Test using Reconstructed Human Corneal Epithelium (RhCE) Models (EIT, OECD 492): The Eye Irritation Test (EIT) is an OECD-approved in vitro non-animal test method for identifying chemicals and mixtures that may be irritating to the corneal epithelium. The test method utilizes an in vitro reconstructed human corneal epithelium (RhCE) model (EpiOcular™, MatTek Corp. or HCE, SkinEthic™), in an acute exposure assay to support international regulatory labeling requirements, according to the United Nations Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (UN GHS). Eye Irritation Time-to-Toxicity Test using Reconstructed Human Corneal Epithelium (RhCE) Models: The ocular irritation potential of formulations, products, ingredients, and chemicals can be evaluated using in vitro reconstructed human corneal epithelium (RhCE) models, such as the EpiOcular™ (MatTek Corp.) and SkinEthic HCE (EPISKIN) organotypic 3-D tissue constructs. Whether evaluating ultra-mild cosmetics and personal care products, or rank ordering the irritation potential of candidate formulations and ingredients, we can provide custom Ocular Screening protocols to best meet your testing goals. Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability (BCOP, OECD 437) with Optional Histology: The BCOP (Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability) assay is an in vitro eye irritation test method developed by Gautheron et al. (1992), which uses living bovine corneal tissue, obtained as a by-product from abattoirs, to evaluate the potential ocular irritancy of a test article. Types of injury caused by exposure to the test article are quantitatively measured by changes in opacity and permeability to fluorescein. Short Time Exposure (STE, OECD 491): The Short Time Exposure (STE) assay, developed by Kao Corporation (Japan), is an in vitro assay used to assess acute eye irritation potential as an alternative to the traditional in vivo Draize test. The test method evaluates the cytotoxicity induced by a series of test chemical dilutions in a monolayer of rabbit corneal fibroblasts (Statens Seruminstitut Rabbit Cornea – SIRC) after a single five-minute exposure. CAMVA: The CAMVA is an in vitro assay that measures the presence and degree of vascular effect to the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of 10-day fertilized eggs following exposure to test article. Ocular Irritection (OIA): The Ocular Irritection Assay is an in chemico eye irritation assay that detects, ranks, and predicts the corneal irritation potential of a test material. The assay assesses changes to the reagent solution (containing proteins, glycoproteins, lipids), which mimics the denaturation and disruption that occurs in corneal proteins in vivo. Assessing Corneal Recovery: Corneal recovery is a key property of ocular irritation classification schemes used in the regulatory arena. However, no current validated non-animal ocular irritation test methods or prediction tools are able to predict corneal recovery in a manner consistent with the animal tests historically employed. Whereas some efforts have been made to demonstrate recovery with in vitro or ex vivo corneal models, the current state of these technologies do not support demonstration of recovery of the corneal stromal elements, which are key to discriminate between moderate and severe irritants.
Manueller/mechanischer Prüfadapter für Leiterplatten und elektronische Geräte

Manueller/mechanischer Prüfadapter für Leiterplatten und elektronische Geräte

Pultförmiges Gehäuse mit ergonomischer Schräge Ausführung ohne Niederzug für den EOL-Test von Modulen und Geräten
Software-Entwicklung und Hardware für individuelle Prüfsysteme

Software-Entwicklung und Hardware für individuelle Prüfsysteme

Aufgrund der Eigenentwicklung unseres Guardian Funktionstestsystems (inkl. Steckkarten), Sentry AOI-Systems RMESS24 und vieler weiterer Produkte verfügen wir über umfassende Kompetenzen auf dem Gebiet der eingebetteten Systeme sowie der Embedded-Programmierung. Dieses Know-how stellen wir gerne auch für Ihre speziellen Prüfaufgaben zur Verfügung. Echtzeit-Anwendungen für Prüfsysteme Sonderlösungen für spezielle Prüfaufgaben mit hohen Anforderungen an Timing und Stabilität Auslagerung von kritischen Prüfschritten in optimierte Applikationen
Widerstandsmessgerät zur Drahtbrucherkennung

Widerstandsmessgerät zur Drahtbrucherkennung

Vierpol-Widerstandsmessung auf 24 Kanälen Abtastrate pro Kanal: 100 Hz 4 Messbereiche mit Autorange Sensoreingänge zur Erfassung von Bewegungszyklen Datenstreaming via USB
Allroundsoftware für die Messtechnik

Allroundsoftware für die Messtechnik

Universelle Datenerfassung und Signalanalyse Für Forschung, Entwicklung, Automation und Fertigung Prüfabläufe einfach graphisch erstellen und Signale/Ergebnisse visualisieren Einfache Bedienung ohne Hochsprachenkenntnisse Über 100 Module mit Standardfunktionen Übersichtlich durch Blockschaltbilder Große Bandbreite an unterstützter Messhardware Durch Python beliebig erweiterbar Kostengünstige Alternative zu Markensoftware, bspw. von National Instruments Kostenlose Demoversion verfügbar.
MetaScope 5 Schichtdickenmessgerät

MetaScope 5 Schichtdickenmessgerät

Coulometrische Schichtdickenmessung für galvanische Schichten aus Zinn, Nickel oder Silber Lang-erprobtes Schichtdickenmessgerät in der 5. Generation Coulometrische Schichtdickenmessung nach EN ISO 2177 Für Drahthersteller: fertigungsbegleitende Kontrolle von Zinn-, Nickel- oder Silberüberzügen auf Kupferdrähten bei Galvanik-Stationen Für kabelverarbeitende Industrien: Wareneingangskontrolle der spezifizierten Metallauflagen
OECD 439 - Human Skin Irritation / Epiderm: OECD 439, in vitro Test - INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH

OECD 439 - Human Skin Irritation / Epiderm: OECD 439, in vitro Test - INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH

Test Guideline No. 439 OECD 439 / in Vitro Skin Irritation Reconstructed Human Epidermis Test Method Fast Project Execution: personal - competent - reliable --> OECD 439 / Skin Irritation Test (SIT) in a Reconstructed Human Epidermis (RhE) Model Skin Irritation in the regulatory hazard classification and labeling context is defined as the production of reversible damage to skin following a defined chemical exposure. The Skin Irritation Test (SIT) is an in vitro, non-animal test designed to identify those chemicals and mixtures capable of inducing moderate skin irritation (UN GHS Category 2 Skin Irritants1), and to discriminate UN GHS Category 2 Skin Irritants from UN GHS 3 Mild Skin Irritants as well as those not requiring classification for skin irritation potential. This test method is useful for regulatory classification and labeling of chemicals and mixtures, and depending upon the regulatory jurisdiction and framework the test results may be used as standalone or to support a weight of evidence approach. Since skin irritation in vivo typically results from chemical-induced cell damage and subsequent inflammatory cascade, this test method provides a mechanistically-relevant measurement of cell viability in reconstructed human epidermis (RhE) tissues after a single topically-applied chemical treatment, relative to negative control-treated tissues. Chemicals which reduce relative viability to ≤ 50% would be classified as an irritant (and a potential corrosive), while those which result in a relative viability > 50% would not be classified as a skin irritant in accordance with UN GHS Category 2. INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH has extensive expertise with a wide variety of reconstructed skin-based protocols and participated in the pre-validation and validation studies that led to the adoption of the OECD Test Guideline 439: In Vitro Skin Irritation: Reconstructed Human Epidermis Test Method (TG 439). NOTE: Since this test method does not discriminate UN GHS categories 1 and 2, an irritant prediction by this test method should be followed up with a test for potential skin corrosion, using any of the validated corrosivity test methods. 1) Corrositex Membrane Barrier Time Monitor Corrosion Test Method and 2) In Vitro Skin Corrosion Test using a Reconstructed Human Epidermis (RhE) Model A variety of other protocols are available to evaluate for potential skin irritation to support product development, product stewardship, candidate formulation selection and other non-regulatory applications, and can provide a rank ordering of skin irritation potential. A variety of protocols allow for evaluation of mild formulations: 1) Time-to-Toxicity ET50 Screening protocol, and 2) Cytokine Expression Assay for Mild Products and for moderate to corrosive products and mixtures: 3) In Vitro Skin Irritation / Corrosion Screen 3-D reconstructed human epidermis (RhE) models such as the EpiDerm™ (MatTek Corp.), epiCS® (CellSystems), LabCyte EPI-MODEL (Japan Tissue Engineering Co., Ltd. ), and EpiSkin™ and SkinEthic™ RHE (EpiSkin SA) are organotypic in vitro models of human epidermis which can be utilized in a variety of assays to evaluate the dermal irritation, corrosivity, cytotoxicity, phototoxicity, and/or anti inflammatory potential of test materials. Viability of the tissues is determined using the vital dye MTT (3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide). The reduction of MTT in test material-treated tissues is expressed as a percentage relative to negative control-treated cultures. The EpiDerm™, epiCS®, LabCyte EPI-MODEL, EpiSkin™ and SkinEthic™ RHE tissue models are made from human epithelial cells, which are cultured on specially designed cell culture inserts. The cells differentiate to form a fully differentiated epidermis, complete with a functional stratum corneum (see picture below). An advantage of using 3-D RhE tissues is that test materials are applied topically, at full formulation strength, without dilution, so that most forms of test materials can be applied to the cultures in the same manner as occurs in vivo. 1 United Nations (UN) Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
OECD 435 - Skin Corrosion : "In Vitro Membrane Barrier Test Method for Skin Corrosion" (Corrositex)

OECD 435 - Skin Corrosion : "In Vitro Membrane Barrier Test Method for Skin Corrosion" (Corrositex)

OECD 435 - Skin Corrosion : "In Vitro Membrane Barrier Test Method for Skin Corrosion" (Corrositex) Fast Project Execution: personal - competent - reliable --> OECD 435: The Corrositex® assay is a standardized and quantitative in vitro test developed as a replacement for the dermal corrosivity rabbit test. The Corrositex kit, manufactured by In Vitro International (IVI), uses a proprietary biobarrier membrane to model the skin for evaluating the potential dermal corrosivity of a test material. A test material is evaluated based on its penetration through the biobarrier membrane into a Chemical Detection System (CDS). The time required for the test material to break through the biobarrier and into the CDS is determined. A U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) packing group is assigned based on the break through time. The Corrositex® assay is presently the only in vitro assay approved by the U.S. Department of Transportation for testing potential corrosive materials and assigning packing group categories. For more information about testing your materials using this assay, please see Applications. Please contact INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH for assistance in developing specialized protocols for your test materials.
Handhebeladapter PA200

Handhebeladapter PA200

Preisgünstige Prüfvorrichtung speziell für kleine und mittlere Leiterplatten, auch gut als Programmieradapter geeignet. Handhebeladapter PA200