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750ADM-H mk3 Current Injection System

750ADM-H mk3 Current Injection System

Primary injection up to 750A 4V output* 16V 40A output for secondary injection True RMS memory ammeter with single cycle capture Multi-function timing system Large back-lit liquid crystal display Thermal and over-current protection Automatic switch-off at end of test Compact and portable Automatic mains voltage selection* T&R Test Equipment is a market leader in the field of current injection equipment. The range includes secondary injection units with 100A output capability up to 6000A primary injection systems. All have true RMS metering, a flexible timing system, and an easy to understand user interface. The 750ADM-H mk3 is a compact, rugged primary current injection system with a 750A output capability. The 750ADM-H mk3 has a maximum no load output voltage of 5V. The unit is ideally suited to all low power primary injection tasks requiring up to 750A for short periods. Where higher currents and powers are required for primary injection, 11kVA and 20kVA primary injection systems are also available. The PCU1-SP and CU-PS systems have separate control units, allowing a wide range of load conditions to be met by different loading units. The unit has two outputs, allowing injection of currents as low as a few hundred milliamps and up to 750A. Voltages up to 16V are available on the 40A output, allowing higher impedance trips to be tested. Four true RMS metering ranges are provided, allowing the full scale of the meter and trip level to be set independently of the selected output. The metering has a capture time of less than 20ms, allowing the RMS of a single cycle to be accurately measured. Industry standard connectors are used on all inputs and outputs for convenience, reliability and safety. The 750ADM-H mk3 is comprehensively protected by electronic overcurrent and thermal trips. The timing system is very flexible without compromising ease of use, allowing trip times, reset times and reclose times to be quickly measured to a high degree of accuracy. Two contact inputs are provided, each of which may be trigged by a volt-free contact or a DC voltage. The contact inputs auto-sense for normally open or normally closed contacts. The 750ADM-H mk3 can be used to test many devices including: Circuit breakers Primary injection of over-current relays Auto-reclosers MCB’s CT ratio (with external meter for secondary current)
Dosiernadeln, Nadeln und Düsen

Dosiernadeln, Nadeln und Düsen

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Synimed V3 Gun - Wiederverwendbares Gerät zum injizieren von Zement für die Vertebroplastie

Synimed V3 Gun - Wiederverwendbares Gerät zum injizieren von Zement für die Vertebroplastie

Synimed V3 Gun - Wiederverwendbares Gerät zum Injizieren von Zement für die Vertebroplastie Die "Synimed V3" -Pistole wird zur Sterilisation in einem Behälter präsentiert. Es wurde speziell für die Verwendung mit dem „Synicem Vertebroplasty System“ für die perkutane Vertebroplastie entwickelt. Die wiederverwendbare Pistole Synimed V3 wird in einer Metallbox geliefert, die die Sterilisation ermöglicht. Einfach zu verwenden. Sterilisation durch Autoklaven, trockene Hitze oder ETO
Rissverpressung / Injektionstechnik

Rissverpressung / Injektionstechnik

Professionelle und effektive Lösungen zur nachträglichen Bauwerksabdichtung. Fehlstellen und Risse im Bauwerk führen zu unkontrollierten Wassereintritten und zur Schädigung der Bausubstanz. Mit unseren Injektionsverfahren werden Risse, Fugen und sonstige Fehlstellen dauerhaft geschlossen und abgedichtet. Dazu wird ein flüssiges zweikomponentiges Kunstharz über Injektionsbohrungen mit speziellen Packern (Injektionsdüsen) und mit Druck in den Riss injiziert, sodass dieser vollständig verfüllt wird. Nach Aushärtung des Kunstharzes werden die Packer ausgebaut und die Bauteiloberflächen optisch nachgearbeitet. Gerne erledigen wir auch alle Neben- und Folgearbeiten. Alles fachgerecht aufeinander abgestimmt, ganz nach Ihren Wünschen und aus einer Hand!
Die ganze Bandbreite der Kunststoffverarbeitung – Spritzguss, Schäumen und Extrusionsblasformen

Die ganze Bandbreite der Kunststoffverarbeitung – Spritzguss, Schäumen und Extrusionsblasformen

Als erfahrener Systemlieferant bieten wir Ihnen ein branchenweit einzigartiges Gesamtpaket in der thermoplastischen Kunststoffverarbeitung: verkettete Spritzgießverfahren, Extrusionsblasformen, vollautomatisierte Inserttechnologien und bei Bedarf höchste Sauberkeitsanforderungen in Reinräumen der Klasse 7. Unsere Stärken liegen in der Fertigung anspruchsvoller technischer Großkomponenten. Mit über 20 globalen Produktionsstandorten produzieren wir flexibel, reaktionsschnell und im Takt unserer Kunden. Vollverkettete, globale Fertigungslösungen In einer einheitlichen, zertifizierten und reproduzierbaren Qualität Schussgewichte von 3 g bis 10 kg Zuhaltekräfte von 250 kN bis 17.000 kN Einmalige Kombination aus Extrusionsblasformen, Spritzguss und Reinraumfertigung Verarbeitung aller gängigen Thermoplaste Mit Schussgewichten bis 10 kg und gruppenweit über 500 Spritzgießmaschinen formen wir präzise und anforderungsgerechte Kunststoffartikel. Hochentwickelte Thermoplaste ermöglichen die Integration von Funktionen sowie ein Maximum an Designfreiheit. Je nach Kundenanforderung kommen Sonderverfahren wie Montagespritzguß, Mehrkomponenten-, Insert- oder Werkzeuginnendrucktechniken zum Einsatz. Dank unseres modernen Maschinenparks übertreffen wir die Erwartungen unserer Kunden hinsichtlich Liefertreue und Qualität. Prozessverbesserung durch Werkzeugsensoriken Mehrkomponenten-Spritzguss Inserttechnik / Einlegetechnik (horizontal und vertikal) Montagespritzgießen, Etagen- und Tandemspritzguss Thermoplast-Schaumspritzgießen (TSG) Dank TSG Sonderverfahren, wie dem physikalischen Schäumen, können Artikel dimensionsstabiler, schneller, leichter und kostengünstiger hergestellt werden. Neben dem Marktführer MuCell® setzen wir auch das Cellmould® Verfahren sehr erfolgreich ein, um thermoplastische Komponenten im Automobilbau und im Bereich Weiße Ware gewichtsreduziert zu fertigen. Je nach Kundenanforderung und Bedarf erweitern wir flexibel unsere TSG-Fertigungskapazitäten an den benötigten Standorten. Chemisches Schäumen Physikalisches Schäumen (MuCell® und Cellmould®) Schäumen aller gängigen Thermoplaste Mehrere Anlagen europaweit mit Zuhaltekräften von 3.000 kN bis 16.000 kN Reinraumfertigung. Wenn es um hohe Artikelreinheit und staubfreie Verarbeitungsprozesse geht, fertigen wir in unseren zertifizierten Reinräumen ISO Klasse 7 unter geprüften und genormten Bedingungen. Auf Basis unserer Hygienerichtlinien gemäß DIN EN ISO 14644-1 und einer konsequenten Prozessüberwachung erfüllen wir die Vorgaben an Partikelkonzentration, Lufttemperatur, Druck und Luftfeuchte. Dabei profitieren unsere Medizintechnik-und Pharmakunden von einem Höchstmaß an Sicherheit und Effizienz, gerade auch im Anwendungsfeld der PCR oder des ATP-Hygienemonitorings. Hygienemonitoring Reinraum ISO Klasse 7, DIN EN ISO 14644-1 ATP-/RNA-/DNA-reduzierte Produktion Fertigung nach GMP-Standard Extrusionsblasformen. Wir formen maßhaltige Flaschen, Schläuche und technische Hohlkörper auf modernsten Extrusionsblasform-Produktionslinien. Dank unserer Kompetenz in der Temperierung, der kontrollierten Formgebung der Schmelze und dem konturgenauen Aufblasen des Formrohlings, realisieren wir komplexe Geometrien und anspruchsvolle Funktionskomponenten. Für pharmazeutische und medizintechnische Anwendungen produzieren wir unter Laminarflow Reinraumtechnik. Kavitätenanzahl von 1+1-fach


Ihr Spezialist für moderne, effektive und nachhaltige technische Lösungen im Bereich Oberflächenbehandlung durch industriellen Individualbau von Farbspritzsystemen. Wir helfen Ihnen, Ihre Farbbeschichtung optimal in höchster Qualität und Effektivität zu realisieren, Ihre VOC Werte und Ihren Farbverbrauch zu reduzieren und sorgen für optimale Schichtstärken und Oversprayminimierung. Wir haben es zu unserer Aufgabe gemacht, optimale Farbspritztechniklösung, hinsichtlich der Reduzierung von VOC Werten, Overspray und Farbverbrauch bei Erreichung der optimalen Schichtstärken, zu entwickeln. Und das individuell auf die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden abgestimmt. Wir helfen Ihnen, Ihre Farbbeschichtung optimal in höchster Qualität und Effektivität zu realisieren. Dabei übernehmen wir die Planung und Installation der Technik sowie die Einarbeitung Ihrer Mitarbeiter. Sie können diese Technik erwerben oder mieten. Unser Service steht Ihnen 24 Std. am Tag zur Verfügung.


Zahnimplantate bieten die Möglichkeit, fehlende Zähne zu ersetzen. Sie sind künstliche Zahnwurzeln, die fest in den Kieferknochen eingepflanzt werden. Dort nehmen sie den Platz der verloren gegangene Zahnwurzel ein.


Eigentlich nur dazu gedacht, um den Schraubern die bitterkalten Winterprobefahrten zu ersparen. Wird natürlich immer mehr zur Leistungsoptimierung und Fehlersuche eingesetzt.
200A-3PH MK3 Secondary Current Injection

200A-3PH MK3 Secondary Current Injection

0-50A three phase output Clear and simple user interface 3 phase current output 0-50A per phase output current True RMS digital metering Memory ammeter Multi-function timing system Auxiliary metering input Large back-lit liquid crystal display Thermal and over-current protection Compact and portable 220V or 400V 3 phase mains supply options 115V-440V 3 wire supply with optional supply transformer The 200A-3PH Mk3 Secondary Current Injection test system provides commissioning and maintenance engineers with a compact, portable and flexible system for the testing and timing of protective relays, circuit breakers and thermal overloads. The unit is equally at home testing solid state or electro-mechanical relays, and has a rating suitable for testing thermal trips. The 200A-3PH Mk3 has independent true RMS digital metering for each output, with independently selectable ranges. The outputs are isolated and independently variable, and allow the injection of currents up to 200A. The outputs are protected by electronic over-current trips and fuses. The timing system on the 200A-3PH Mk3 is flexible and exceptionally easy to use, allowing trip times to be measured to a high degree of accuracy. Units with auxiliary contacts may be timed using the NC or NO timer modes, and devices with no auxiliary contacts may be timed using the current operated mode. The unit is ideal for testing the following devices: Over and under current relays IDMT relays Thermal overloads Magnetic circuit breakers The units may also be used in conjunction with the DVS3 Digital Voltage Source to test protection systems requiring three voltages and three currents. Protection that may be tested in conjunction with the DVS3 includes: Directional relays Distance protection Power relays and transducers Main Output The units have three independently controlled outputs, one for each phase. The output is switched on and off by illuminated push buttons, and the current is set using the three control knobs on the front panel. All ranges are continuously variable from zero. Range Continuous 5 minutes 1 minute 0-5V 50A 100A 200A The above intermittent on-times must be followed by an off-time of 15 minutes, and are based on an ambient temperature of 25°C. Auxiliary AC Outputs A switched, isolated auxiliary 240V 50mA AC supply is available to power auxiliary control circuits. The output is protected by a fuse. Digital Metering The output on the 200A-3PH/ED is metered by a digital true RMS system with a 3.5 digit LED display. The range for each channel is independently selected for each channel by a switch on the front panel. Range Resolution Trip current Accuracy 20.00A 0.01A 21.0A ±0.6% rdg+5d 50.00A 0.01A 52.5A ±0.6% rdg+5d 100.00A 0.1A 105.0A ±0.6% rdg+5d 200.00A 0.1A 210.0A ±0.6% rdg+5d An electronic current trip is automatically set to 115% of full scale of the selected metering range to protect the device under test. The unit is must be supplied by a 400V±10% 50/60Hz 3 phase 3300VA Max. The optional delta-star supply transformer allows the 400V unit to operate from other supply voltages. A delta-star transformer is available as an optional accessory for operation from a 3 wire supply. Temperature Range: Storage -20°C to 60°C Operating 0°C to 45°C Timing System The timing system on the 200A-3PH mk3 is very flexible, allowing a wide range of protective devices to be timed. Range 0-999.999s Resolution 1ms Accuracy 0.01% rdg +1d (all except current operated mode) 0.01% rdg +3d (current operated mode) The contact circuit has an open circuit voltage of 24Vdc and a short circuit current of 20mA. The contacts may be connected to volt-free contacts or contacts connected to a DC voltage system (240Vdc maximum). The following functions are provided: Mode Timer Start Timer Stop Internal Start Press ‘ON’ Contact 1 Single Contact Contact 1 Contact 1 Dual contact Contact 1 Contact 2 Current operated Current > 20% of range Current < 20% of range The output is automatically switched off at the end of the test to safeguard the relay under test. Protection and Safety The 200A-3PH mk3 Secondary Current Injection is protected by electronic over current trips on the outputs, fuses on the contact input, the mains input and regulators. The auxiliary AC output is fuse protected on both units. An earth terminal is provided for connection to a local earth. WEIGHT 33 kg DIMENSIONS 315 × 550 × 300 mm SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES Operating manual Mains lead Spare fuse set 5m 200AL/3PH Output lead set OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES 200A-3PH delta-star transformer, Part no. A178-0001
T 3000 Primary current injection test set

T 3000 Primary current injection test set

T 3000 is a primary current injection testing system designed to perform primary tests requested in substations commissioning. It allows to perform different tests and measurements on current transformers, voltage transformers, power transformers, protection relays, energy meters and transducers Main features Multi function primary test system for testing substation equipment such as: current, voltage and power transformers, all type of protection relays, energy meters and transducers Primary injection testing capabilities 3000 V AC high-pot test Generates up to 800 A (option up to 4000A with high current booster) Microhmmeter function (option): up to 400A DC RS232 interface for pc connection Possibility to store test results in T 3000 local memory (up to 500 results) Compact and lightweight. Tests performed CT ratio CT ratio voltage mode CT polarity CT burden secondary side CT excitation curve CT knee voltage CT winding resistance Burden resistance VT ratio VT polarity VT burden secondary side PT ratio PT winding resistance Distribution relays Smart grid relays Single phase relays High burden relays CB operation time
1200A-3PH 3 Phase Current Injection

1200A-3PH 3 Phase Current Injection

Clear and simple user interface 3-Φ current output 0-1200A per phase output current True RMS digital metering Memory ammeter Multi-function timing system Auxiliary metering input Large back-lit liquid crystal display Thermal and over-current protection Portable on battery powered stair climbing trolleys Maximum power output 13kVA The 1200A-3PH is a three phase injection system providing commissioning and maintenance engineers with a flexible system for testing protective systems. It has an easy to understand panel layout and a simple user interface. The status of every function can be seen at a glance, and there are no complex menus to navigate. Each loading unit has two output taps to allow for a range of load impedance. Each phase is isolated and can be configured to either give a maximum of 1200A at 3.5V or 600A at 7V. Three true RMS metering ranges are provided, allowing the full scale of the meter and trip level to be set independently of the selected output. An auxiliary metering input is provided and can measure voltage, current, frequency, and the phase between any of the current outputs and an external voltage or current. The timing system is very flexible without compromising ease of use, allowing trip times, reset times and reclose times to be quickly measured to a high degree of accuracy. Two independently isolated contact inputs are provided, and the timing system may also be used as a stand-alone timer. The 1200A-3PH can be use to test many single and three phase devices including: Over current relays Under current relays IDMT relays Auto-reclosers Time delay relays Earth fault relays Miniature circuit breakers Power relays Tripping relays Thermal relays
50ADM-P Current Injection System with Phase Shift

50ADM-P Current Injection System with Phase Shift

0-50A output current True RMS metering with 1 cycle capture Variable auxiliary AC voltage/current output with phase shift Auxiliary metering input V, f, φ, Z, P, S, PF, CT ratio, harmonics Variable auxiliary output 12-220VDC Multi-function auto-range timing system Current limit mode for fine control Data storage to USB memory key including waveform & harmonics USB keyboard interface Automatic mains voltage selection Optional Backpack System The 50ADM-P is a smaller version of our current injection system the 200ADM-P. The unit has a range of outputs allowing injection of currents from 1mA to 50A. Voltages up to 18V are available on the main outputs. True RMS metering with single cycle capture is provided. Three current ranges allow the full scale of the meter and trip level to be set independently of the selected output. Industry standard safety connectors are used throughout for safe, reliable convenience. The 50ADM-P has a flexible auxiliary AC output that can be used at up to 260V for voltage relays or up to 10A for current relays. The phase and frequency of this output are fully adjustable. This combination of voltage and current allows testing of relays that require two voltages, one voltage and one current or two currents. An auxiliary metering input is provided that meters AC and DC voltage, current and frequency from the auxiliary outputs or external signals. The mod-ule can also take measurements in conjunction with the main current output to meter phase angle, power, impedance, CT ratio and harmonics. A variable stabilised DC supply with current limit is provided to power the relay under test. The unit has a comprehensive timing system linked to the outputs allowing trip times, reset times and reclose times to be quickly measured to a high degree of accuracy. The timer includes a current operated mode and can accurately test instantaneous trips. Two USB host sockets are provided to connect a memory key and keyboard. Results of every test can be stored to the memory key in spreadsheet format for later analysis. The keyboard allows entry of a comment against each result. In addition a graphics file of the waveform may be stored to the memory key. Harmonic analysis results can also be recorded.
100ADM MK5 Secondary Current Injection Test Set

100ADM MK5 Secondary Current Injection Test Set

0-100A output current True RMS metering with single cycle capture Auxiliary DC and AC output Multi-function auto-ranging timing system Current limit mode for fine control Automatic mains voltage selection Thermal and over-current protection The 100ADM mk5 Secondary Current Injection Test Set provides commissioning and maintenance engineers with a flexible system for testing protective systems. It has an easy to understand panel layout and a simple user interface. The status of every function can be seen at a glance, and there are no complex menus to navigate. The 100ADM mk5 keeps the familiar user interface of previous models but adds a new metering system that accurately measures the RMS of a single cycle. It also features a new current limit mode to provide very fine control of very low currents, even into low impedance loads. Current limit mode also assists in testing self-powered overcurrent protection as fitted to many 11kV ring main units. The unit has a range of outputs allowing injection of currents as low as a few mA and as high as 100A. Voltages up to 240V are available on the main outputs, allowing high impedance current relays and voltage relays to be tested. Four true RMS metering ranges are provided, allowing the full scale of the meter and trip level to be set independently of the selected output. Industry standard safety connectors are used on all inputs and outputs for convenience, reliability and safety. The 100ADM Mk5 Secondary Current Injection Test Set is comprehensively protected by overcurrent, duty cycle and thermal trips, and keeps the user fully informed of any trip condition. A stabilised DC supply is provided to power the relay under test, along with an independently switched and isolated 110V AC output. The back-lit display on the 100ADM mk5 is bright and clear with a wide viewing angle. The results of a test can be seen here as they appear on the display A very flexible two channel timing system is provided, allowing trip times, reset times and re-close times to be quickly measured to a high degree of accuracy. The timer auto-ranges to measure from 1ms to 99999.9s. The 100ADM can be used to test many types of single phase secondary protection including: 27/59 Over and under voltage relays 37 Under current 51 IDMT relays 50/76 Instantaneous overcurrent 59G Neutral voltage displacement 79 Auto-reclosers 2 Time delay relays 51G/50G Earth fault relays 67 Directional overcurrent (basic tests) 52 Miniature circuit breakers Tripping relays Thermal relays 90V Voltage regulating relays WEIGHT 23.9 kg DIMENSIONS 560 × 456 × 265 mm SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES Operating manual Mains lead Output lead set Spare fuses Carry strap OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES 100ADM-F, Part no. 006
PCU1-SP MK2 Primary Current Injection Test Set

PCU1-SP MK2 Primary Current Injection Test Set

5kA maximum output current (higher overload currents for 2s) Multi-function digital timing system Digital true RMS memory ammeter Solid state switching 200A, 2000A and 5000A loading units Three range outputs on loading units Rugged, compact design Optional trolley mounting of system Secondary injection up to 100A Auxiliary metering input Direct reading CT ratio and polarity The PCU1-SP mk2 is a medium powered primary current injection set offering output currents up to 5000A (11.5kVA for 40seconds). The system consists of a separate control unit containing all metering and control functions and a loading unit, such as the NLU200, NLU2000 or the NLU5000, that provides the high current output. The PCU1-SP mk2 are ideally suited to primary current injection, stability testing and circuit breaker testing. In addition, the SP version offers direct-reading CT ratio and polarity tests and a 100A secondary injection output. Two loading units are available, delivering a maximum output current of 2000A or 5000A. Each loading unit has three output taps to allow for a wide range of load impedances. For example, the NLU5000 may be configured to either give a maximum current of 5000A on the 2.3V range, 2500A on the 4.6V range or 1250A on the 9.2V range. *The above is an image of the PCU1-SP and Loading Unit The control unit is rated at 11.5kVA with a 2 second overload capability of 23kVA using pulse mode. All metering is digital and a memory facility is provided to hold the current reading when the output trips or is switched off. The current is switched by a solid state device and is automatically switched off when the device under test trips. The PCU1-SP systems have a high accuracy timing system, allowing timing tests to be carried out to a resolution of 1ms. Selection for normally open or normally closed contacts is automatic, and the status of the contacts is shown on the front panel. Timing modes are available to test under and over current devices, re-closers, under and over voltage devices, current trips and circuit breakers. A full range of high current output leads are available to complement the system in a range of lengths. WEIGHT 26 kg DIMENSIONS 450 × 275 × 305 mm SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES Operating manual Mains lead Spare fuse set OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES Trolley mounting system, Part no A204-0005 100ADM-F, Part no. 006 100AL MK2 / MK3 Lead Set, Part no. A199-0003
CU-Ps Primary Current Injection Test Set

CU-Ps Primary Current Injection Test Set

5kA maximum output current (higher overload currents for 2s) Multi-function digital timing system Digital true RMS memory ammeter Solid state switching 200A, 2000A and 5000A loading units Three range outputs on loading units Rugged, compact design Optional trolley mounting of system Secondary injection up to 100A Auxiliary metering input Direct reading CT ratio and polarity The CU-Ps primary current injection test set is ideally suited to commissioning and maintenance testing where very high currents are required. The system consists of separate control and loading units for maximum flexibility. The control unit contains all control and metering circuitry, and is linked to the loading unit by control and metering cables. The control unit may be used with one of two loading units providing between 5000A or 6000A for 5 minutes or up to 10 or 12kA for short periods. Each loading unit has two outputs which may be connected in series or parallel for maximum flexibility. For example, the PLU-6k may be configured to either give a maximum current of 3000A at 6.6V or 6000A at 3.3V. The control and loading units are each housed in tough steel cases fitted with castors and protective lifting handles. The loading units have a small plan area to allow them to be positioned as close as possible to the test object, minimising power requirements and maximising the available current. The CU-Ps control unit is shown here with a PLU-6k loading unit. This combination may be used to inject currents of up to 6000A for 5 minutes or 12000A for 1 second. The CU-Ps primary current injection test set is ideally suited to all primary current injection tasks, including testing under and over current relays, circuit breakers and CT ratio testing. The control unit is rated at 20kVA and has digital metering. A memory facility is provided on the metering to hold the current reading when the output trips or is switched off. The current is automatically switched off when the device under test trips. The CU-Ps systems have a high accuracy timing system with 1ms resolution. Selection for normally open or normally closed contacts is automatic, and the status of the contacts is shown on the front panel. Timing modes are available for under and over current devices, reclosers, under and over voltage devices, current trips and circuit breakers. The AC output current is metered by a true RMS memory ammeter (acquisition time 20ms) with a liquid crystal display. The current metering has 3 ranges corresponding to 10%, 50% and 100% of the maximum rating of the loading unit. In addition, a 200% metering range is enabled in pulse mode for the 0.2s, 0.5s and 1s settings only. The CU-Ps systems have a flexible timing system with two contact inputs and 5 operating modes. Each contact circuit automatically selects for N/O or N/C contacts, and the status of each contact input is shown by an LED. The timing channels may also be triggered by a dc voltage between 24 and 240V. *Pulse mode applies current to the load for a maximum of the specified time. If contact set 1 changes state or the current drops below 20% of the metering range during the pulse time, the timer is stopped. The maximum output current is increased in pulse mode. The maximum obtainable current is set by the impedance of the test object and output leads. **Current operated mode is used to time circuit breakers with no auxiliary contacts. The timer is started when the current exceeds 20% of the selected metering range (e.g. 1000A on the PLU-5k 5000A range). The timer stops when the current falls. All test results from the CU-Ps can be stored in a USB memory key. The unit has a real-time clock to time and date-stamp all results. To log the results, first enter a comment for your results using the optional keyboard, and then select AUTO STORE. Whenever the timer stops, the time, current and all other parameters are added to a spreadsheet file on the USB key. You can then view the current set of results on the display or take the USB key out and open the file on your PC. All results are stored in a folder on the USB key named with the test date in a file named with the time. The CU-Ps primary current injection test sets and loading units are CE marked and are designed to meet the requirements of BS EN61010. The system is protected by electronic trips on the outputs, circuit breaker and fuse on the mains input, and a circuit breaker on the control unit output. The unit also has a duty cycle trip on the loading unit output and thermal protection. WEIGHT 115 kg DIMENSIONS 660 × 400 × 740 mm OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES A range of output lead sets are available to complement the CU-Ps system with current ratings between 3000A and 6000A. The leads are double insulated and have good flexibility. SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES Operating manual Mains lead Spare fuse set
eKAM Electronic primary injection test set

eKAM Electronic primary injection test set

eKAM is the new fully automatic electronic primary injection test equipment. e KAM test system includes two portable units: one control unit with a large graphical display, that adjusts the output, and one current unit (up to 2000, 3000, 5000A). It can also perform Step and Touch tests and ground resistance tests. Main features Fully automatic Two portable units: control and current units High current output: up to 2000 A, 3000 A and 5000 A Variable output frequency: 15 – 500 Hz CT ratio, burden and polarity test Large graphic display Advanced Test & Data Management Software for test set control, results storage and analysis Step & touch plus ground resistance tests with STLG option Reduced timing test USB interface and Ethernet interface for PC connection IEC 61850-9-2 sample values protocol interface Compact and lightweight Tests performed High current 2000, 3000, 5000, 7000 A CT ratio; CT polarity CT burden secondary side CT IEC 61850-9 CB operation time Earth impedance Line impedance Step & touch voltage
200ADM-P Secondary Current Injection Test Set

200ADM-P Secondary Current Injection Test Set

The 200ADM-P is a current injection system with a wide range of advanced features including phase shift, data storage and harmonic analysis. 0-200A output current True RMS metering with 1 cycle capture Variable auxiliary ac voltage/ current output with phase shift Auxiliary metering input V, f, Φ, Z, P, S, PF, CT ratio, harmonics & more Variable auxiliary output 12-220Vdc Multi-function auto-ranging timing system Current limit mode for fine control Data storage to USB memory key including waveform & harmonics USB keyboard/printer interface Automatic mains voltage selection The 200ADM-P Secondary Current Injection Test Set has a range of outputs allowing injection of currents between 1mA and 200A. Voltages up to 240V are available on the main outputs allowing high impedance current relays to be tested. True RMS metering with single cycle capture is provided. 4 current ranges allow the full scale of the meter and trip level to be set independently of the selected output. Industry standard safety connectors are used throughout for safe, reliable convenience. The 200ADM-P Secondary Current Injection Test Set has a flexible auxiliary ac output that can be used at up to 260V for voltage relays or up to 10A for current relays. The phase and frequency of this output are fully adjustable. This combination of voltage and current allows testing of relays that require two voltages, one voltage and one current or two currents. An auxiliary metering module is provided that meters ac and dc voltage, current and frequency from the auxiliary outputs or external signals. The module can also take measurements in conjunction with the main current output to meter phase angle, power, impedance, CT ratio and harmonics. A variable stabilised DC supply with current limit is provided to power the relay under test. WEIGHT 22.6 kg DIMENSIONS 500 × 456 × 265 mm SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES Operating manual Output lead set Mains lead Sparefuses USB keyboard USB memory key Shoulder strap (except Pelicase unit) OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES 100ADM-F, Part no. 006 100AL Mk2 / Mk3, Part no. A199-0003
KAM Primary current injection testing

KAM Primary current injection testing

This substation testing device is designed to grant high current output when needed in substation commissioning activities. Main features High current output up to 7000 A Powerful output up to 35 kVA Modular design for easy transport Primary current injection testing Protection relay testing Low voltage breaker testing CT testing Heat runs Tests performed High current 6000 A CT ratio CT polarity
750ADM MK4 Primärer Strominjektionstester

750ADM MK4 Primärer Strominjektionstester

Primäre Strominjektion bis zu 750A 4V Ausgang 16V 40A Ausgang für sekundäre Injektion Echte RMS-Digitalmessung mit Einzelzyklusaufnahme Datenspeicherung auf USB-Speicherstick einschließlich Wellenform und Oberwellen Multifunktionales Timingsystem Großes, beleuchtetes Flüssigkristalldisplay Thermo- und Überstromschutz Automatische Abschaltung am Ende des Tests Kompakt und tragbar Automatische Netzspannungsauswahl Übersichtliche und einfache Benutzeroberfläche Erhältlich in Metall- oder Pelican-Gehäuse Datenblatt Bedienungsanleitung
100A/E MK3 Secondary Current Injection Test Set

100A/E MK3 Secondary Current Injection Test Set

0-100A output current True RMS metering with single cycle capture Auxiliary DC and AC output Multi-function auto-ranging timing system Current limit mode for fine control Automatic mains voltage selection Thermal and over-current protection The 100A/E mk3 secondary current injection test set has been designed to give the maintenance and commissioning engineer a large number of facilities in one self-contained instrument.The unit is portable, compact and simple to use. The mains supply for the unit is either 240V±10% or 115V +10% -6% at either 50 or 60Hz. Full load can be obtained at the supply voltage extremes. The current and voltage outputs are independently controlled and metered. The output current and voltage are displayed on large, clear panel instruments. An additional four range CT is provided, extending the ammeter range down to 0-100mA. All of the outputs are fully isolated by means of double wound transformers. The timing system on the 100A/E is very flexible, without compromising ease of use. Four modes of operation and two contact inputs are provided allowing for a wide range of events to be timed. Both contact inputs automatically select for normally open or normally closed contacts. Operation of the different timing modes is described overleaf. Internal start mode starts the timer when the ‘ON’ pushbutton is pressed, and stops the timer when the first contact set changes state. This mode is ideally suited to timing over-current relays. Single contact mode starts and stops the timer on the first and second changes of state of the first contact set, and dual contact mode starts the timer from the first set of contacts and stops it from the second set. These modes allow reset and re-close times of protective devices to be easily measured. The final mode of operation of the timer starts the timer when the current exceeds 20% of the selected metering range, and stops it when the current falls below 20%. This allows the timing of trips with no auxiliary contacts such as miniature circuit breakers. Automatic control has been provided such that all outputs can be switched off once the device under test has operated. The automatic control can be switched in or out of circuit for all outputs, enabling setting up procedures to be carried out. The instrument is housed in a robust case complete with a protective cover and fold-away carrying handles. The current output on the unit has eight ranges, allowing the selection of output voltages up to 150V and output currents up to 200A. The voltage output on the unit has three ranges, allowing the selection of output voltages up to 500Vac and 250VDC. If using a 100ADM-F with the 100A/E mk 3 unit you will need to to order A0006-0010 lead set. The output of the 100A/E mk3 secondary current injection test set is a true RMS analogue system with separate instruments for current and voltage. AC current is metered by a dual scaled ammeter reading 0-1A and 0-5A. AC voltage is metered by a dual scaled ammeter reading 0-300V and 0-600V. The output may be automatically switched off at the end of the test to safeguard the relay under test. This is available for both the voltage and current output. WEIGHT 33 kg DIMENSIONS 490 × 300 × 300 mm SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES Operating manual 2m Mains lead Non-latching contact lead 100AL lead set Spare fuses OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES 100ADM-F, Part no. 006 100A/E Filter, Part no. A0006-0010
T 1000 PLUS Secondary injection relay test set

T 1000 PLUS Secondary injection relay test set

Multi-tasking test set designed for testing relays and transducers Max current output: 250 A Max AC voltage output: 250 V Max DC voltage output: 300 V Frequency generator: 15 ÷ 550 Hz Phase angle shifter Battery simulator 20 ÷ 260 V DC Oscilloscope function for current and voltage USB port – Microprocessor controller Test results and settings saved into local memory TD 1000 Plus model with two current outputs and high power at 15 Hz. T1000 PLUS is a protective relay test set especially designed to give the commissioning engineers a multitasking and highly reliable testing equipment. Tests performed Distribution relays Smart grid relays Single phase relays High burden relays
PCU1-SP MK3 Primärstrom-Einspritztestsystem

PCU1-SP MK3 Primärstrom-Einspritztestsystem

Der PCU1-SP Mk3 ist ein vielseitiges Primärstrom-Injektionstestsystem, ideal für Stabilitäts- und Leistungsschaltertests, mit direkter Ablesung von Wandlerverhältnis und Polaritätstests. Maximaler Ausgangsstrom von 5 kA (höhere Überlastströme für 2 Sekunden) Multifunktionales digitales Zeitsystem Digitales True-RMS-Memory-Amperemeter Festkörper-Schalttechnik 200A, 2000A und 5000A Lastmodule Drei Bereichsausgänge bei NLU2000 &amp; NLU5000 Lastmodulen Robustes, kompaktes Design Optionale Wagenmontage des Systems Sekundäre Injektion bis zu 100A Hilfsmesseingang Direkte Ablesung des Wandlerverhältnisses und der Polarität Datenblatt Bedienungsanleitung