Finden Sie schnell diamantsteinschneide für Ihr Unternehmen: 217 Ergebnisse



Neutrales Sanitärsilikon, 1-Komponenten Dichtstoff Details: - Zur Verglasung bei Holz-, Kunststoff- und Metallfenstern. Verkleben von Silikonbänder - Für Dehnungsfugen bei Mauerwerk und anderen Baustoffen - Versiegelung im Küchen- und Ladenbau sowie von Acrylwannen - Anstrich verträglich - VSG geeignet - Naturstein geeignet Farben: alu, transparent, oregon 1, transparent, weiß, silbergrau, hellgrau, manhattan, sanitärgrau, betongrau, dunkelgrau, anthrazit, schwarz Gebinde: 310 ml Kartusche 620 ml Schlauch Basis: neutralhärtend Lagerstabilität: 18 Monate
DowSil 813

DowSil 813

Anschlussfugen Silikon - Construction and Concrete Silicone Sealant DOWSIL™ 813C Construction and Concrete Silicone Sealant is a one-part, neutral curing, low modulus silicone sealant particularly suitable for interior and exterior applications, such as external weather seals, expansion joints and perimetral joints in buildings and other types of construction as well as pedestrian walkways and traffic roads which do not involve immersion in fuel. DOWSIL 813C Construction and Concrete Silicone Sealant offers durable adhesion to a range of porous and non-porous surfaces including concrete, masonry, brick, PVC-U, wood and some metals used in construction without danger of corrosion from the sealant.
DowSil Primer C

DowSil Primer C

Construction Primer C
DowSil 3362

DowSil 3362

Isolierglas Dichtstoff Two-part silicone sealant for use as secondary sealant in insulating glass units APPLICATIONS • DOWSIL™ 3362 Insulating Glass Sealant is intended for use as a secondary sealant in a dual sealed insulating glass unit. • The high performance features incorporated into this product make it specially suitable for the following applications: • Insulating glass units for residential and commercial use. • Insulating glass units with high levels of UV exposure (free edge, greenhouse, etc.). • Insulating glass units incorporating specialty glass types. • Insulating glass units where high heat or humidity may be encountered. • Insulating glass in cold climates. • Insulating glass units used in structural glazing.
DowSil 816

DowSil 816

Temperature resistant acetoxy silicone sealant for sealing and bonding applications exposed to high temperatures.
Gegenmesser 345x196x47 Premium Line

Gegenmesser 345x196x47 Premium Line

Ausführung 145, W8-Variante Gegenmesser für Lindner Jupiter Zerkleinerer von CUTMETALL in verschiedenen Ausführung ab Lager lieferbar. CUTETALL - Partner, Prozessoptimierer und Problemlöser der Recycling- und Zerkleinerungsindustrie.
Rundmesser - Rollscherenmesser

Rundmesser - Rollscherenmesser

Rollscherenmesser für Walzwerke in höchster Präzision.