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Rohstoffe für Kosmetik, Hautpflege und Hautreinigung

Rohstoffe für Kosmetik, Hautpflege und Hautreinigung

Wir bieten Standardinhaltsstoffe und kosmetische Wirkstoffe. Unsere Stärke sind insbesondere natürliche Vitamine, Retinol, Vitamine E, D und K sowie diverse Collagenprodukte. AMINOSÄUREN: L-Alanin L-Arginin Base L-Arginin L-Arginin HCL L-Cystein HCL L-Glycin USP L-Glutaminsäure L-Glutamin L-Histidin L-Histidin HCL L-Isoleucin L-Leucin L-Lysin HCL DL-Methionin L-Methionin L-Ornithin HCL L-Ornithin Mono L-Phenylalanin L-Prolin L-Serin L-Threonin L-Tryptophan L-Tyrosin L-Valin ANTIOXIDANTIEN: Ascorbinsäure krist. Ascorbylpalmitat BHA Butylhydroxyanisol BHT Butylhydroxitoluol Coenzym Q 10 Isoascorbinsäure Natriumascorbat Natriumisoascorbat DL -α- Tocopherolacetat DL-Tocopherol L-Tocopherol Rosmarinextrakt FETTE, FETTALKOHOLE, FETTSÄUREN, FETTSÄUREESTER, ÖLE, WACHSE: Bienenwachs Cetylalkohol und weitere Fettalkohole Isopropylmyristat und weitere Ester Isopropylpalmitat Lanolin Paraffinöl subliquidum, -perliquidum Sojaöl und weitere Pflanzenöle Stearinsäure und andere Fettsäuren Triglyceride aus Fettsäuren FEUCHTIGKEITSSPENDER: 1,2-Propylenglycol 1,3-Butandiol Aloe Vera Benzoesäure Butylparaben Calciumpropionat Dextrose Ethylparaben Fructose Glycerin Harnstoff/Urea Isobutylparaben Kaliumsorbat Mannitol Methylsalicylat Methylparaben Natriumsalicylat Natriumbenzoat Natriumpropionat Sorbitol Sorbinsäure Propylparaben Xylitol HYDROKOLLOIDE/VERDICKER: Ammoniumsulfat Calciumchlorid Calciumoxid Dextrin Guarkernmehl Johannesbrotkernmehl Kartoffelstärke Kaliumchlorid Magnesiumchlorid Magnesiumsulfat Maisstärke Maltodextrin Natriumchlorid Natriummetasilikat Natriumsulfat Polyvinylalkohol Talkum Xanthan Zinkstearat Weitere Verdicker und Geliermittel auf Anfrage LÖSUNGSMITTEL: Aceton Benhzylalkohol Butylacetat Diethylenglycol Dipropylenglycol Ethylacetat Glycerintriacetat Triacetin  Isopropylalkohol Methylethylketon PFLANZENEXTRAKTE: American/Siberian Ginseng Basil Extract Chamonile Fructus Phyllanthi Oat Ginkgo Biloba Glossy Ganoderma Goji Fruit Lavender Lemon Balm Liquorice Extract Kudzu Root Mangosteen Rosemary Saberry SÄUREREGULATOREN/PUFFER: Adipinsäure Amidosulfonsäure Ammoniumphosphat Ammoniumbicarbonat Calciumlactat-Pentahydrat Essigsäure GDL Gluconodeltalakton Kaliumacetat Kaliumhydroxid Milchsäure Mono-Natriumcitrat Natriumacetat Trihydrat/Anhydrat Natriumbicarbonat Natriumhydroxid Natriumlactat Soda (Natriumcarbonat) Tri-Natriumcitrat-2-hydrat Weinsäure, Griess Zitronensäure Anhydrat Zitronensäure Monohydrat Zitronensäure Lösung SWEETENERS: Aspartam Natriumcyclamat Saccharin-Natrium Stevia R-A Xylitol VITAMINE: Ascorbylpalmitat Beta-Carotin Biotin Calcium-D-Pantothenat, (Vitamin B5) Folsäure Niacin/Nikotinamid, (Vitamin B3) Retinol Vitamin-A-Acetat/Palmitat Vitamin B1, Mononitrat + HCL Vitamin B2, Riboflavin Vitamin-B2-5-Phosphat Vitamin B6, Pyridoxin Vitamin B12 Vitamin C, Ascorbinsäure Vitamin D2, Ergocaciferol Vitamin D3, Cholecalciferol Vitamin E, DL-α-Tocopherol Vitamin E Acetat Vitamin K1 KOSMETISCHE WIRKSTOFFE: Allantoin Aloe Vera Bisabolol Ceramide Coffein Coenzym Q10 D-Panthenol Hyaluronsäure Omega 3 Fettsäuren Taurin SONSTIGE PRODUKTE:Aluminiumchlorid, Antitranspirant Aluminiumsulfat, Antitranspirant Calciumcarbonat, Mineralstoff Dextrose, Feuchtigkeitsspender Dicalciumphoshat, Mundpflege EDTA, Komplexbildner Magnesiumcarbonat, Mineralstoff Natriumglutamat, Haarkonditionierer Natriummetasilikat PEG, Emulgator Sorbinsäure, Konservierungsstoff Tricalciumphosphat, Mundpflege Vanilin, Duftstoff Zinkoxid, UV Filter Natriumcyclamat Polydextrose Saccharin-Natrium Saccharose (Zucker) Sorbit Stevia R-A Sucralose Trockenglukosesirup Xylit
OECD 442C, OECD 442D, OECD 442E Skin sensitisation hazard assessment in vitro / in vitro Test - INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH

OECD 442C, OECD 442D, OECD 442E Skin sensitisation hazard assessment in vitro / in vitro Test - INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH

Skin sensitisation / in vitro Test: DPRA, OECD 442C, OECD 442D, h-CLAT, OECD 442E, kDPRA, SENS-IS®, etc. Fast Project Execution: personal - competent - reliable --> Determination of skin sensitization potential is a critical endpoint in the safety assessment of raw materials, chemicals, mixtures and formulations. Although the Guinea Pig Maximization Test (GPMT) and Local Lymph node assay (LLNA) have historically been used to address this adverse effect, in vitro assays have been developed and validated in order to replace these resource-intensive animal tests. INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH offers various test strategies without animal testing for examining skin sensitization: - Direct Peptide Reactivity Activation Assay (DPRA, OECD 442C) - ARE-Nrf2 Luciferase Keratinocyte Activation Test Method (OECD 442D) -Human Cell Line Activation Test (h-CLAT, OECD 442E) -Kinetic Direct Peptide Reactivity Assay (kDPRA) -Myeloid U937 Skin Sensitization Test (MUSST / U-SENS) -and more Fast Project Execution: personal - competent - reliable --> INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH: More than 80 test laboratories - Product safety - Regulatory service - In vitro tests - All OECD tests for pharmaceuticals, chemicals, medical devices and cosmetics - Study monitoring, MSDS etc.
OECD 431 - Human Skin Corrosion: "In Vitro OECD 431: Reconstructed Human Epidermis Test Method, in vitro Test

OECD 431 - Human Skin Corrosion: "In Vitro OECD 431: Reconstructed Human Epidermis Test Method, in vitro Test

OECD 431 Test Guideline No. 431 In Vitro Skin Corrosion: Reconstructed Human Epidermis (RhE)Test Method Fast Project Execution: personal - competent - reliable --> INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH offers various test strategies without animal testing for examining skin Corrosion: - OECD 431 - Human Skin Corrosion: "In Vitro OECD 431: Reconstructed Human Epidermis Test Method, in vitro Test - Skin Corrosion in the regulatory hazard classification and labeling context is defined as the production of irreversible damage to skin, generally evident as necrosis through the epidermis and into the dermis, following a defined chemical exposure. The In Vitro Skin Corrosion Test is an in vitro, non-animal test designed to identify those chemicals and mixtures capable of inducing skin corrosion (UN GHS Category 11), and in some cases to partially subcategorize corrosives into UN GHS Sub-Categories 1A or 1B and 1C (ie., the current test methods do not effectively discriminate between UN GHS Sub-Categories 1B and 1C). This test method is useful for regulatory classification and labeling of chemicals and mixtures, and depending upon the regulatory jurisdiction and framework the test results may be used as standalone or to support a weight of evidence approach. Since skin corrosion in vivo typically results from rapid chemical-induced cell damage, this test method provides a mechanistically-relevant measurement of cell viability in reconstructed human epidermis (RhE) tissues after a single topically-applied chemical treatment, relative to negative control-treated tissues. INVITRO-CONNECT has extensive expertise with a wide variety of reconstructed skin-based protocols. NOTE: Since this test method does not discriminate among any non-corrosive categories, a non-corrosive prediction by this test method should be followed up with a test for potential skin irritation, using any of the validated Skin Irritation Test (SIT) methods, including the In Vitro Skin Irritation Test using a Reconstructed Human Epidermis (RhE) Model. For more information please contact INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH for assistance in developing specialized protocols for your test materials. INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH: Fast Project Execution: personal - competent - reliable --> More than 80 test laboratories - Product safety - Regulatory service - In vitro tests - All OECD tests for pharmaceuticals, chemicals, medical devices and cosmetics - Study monitoring, MSDS etc.
OECD 439 - Human Skin Irritation / Epiderm: OECD 439, in vitro Test - INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH

OECD 439 - Human Skin Irritation / Epiderm: OECD 439, in vitro Test - INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH

Test Guideline No. 439 OECD 439 / in Vitro Skin Irritation Reconstructed Human Epidermis Test Method Fast Project Execution: personal - competent - reliable --> INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH offers various test strategies without animal testing for examining Skin Irritation: - OECD 439 / Skin Irritation Test (SIT) in a Reconstructed Human Epidermis (RhE) Model - Skin Irritation in the regulatory hazard classification and labeling context is defined as the production of reversible damage to skin following a defined chemical exposure. The Skin Irritation Test (SIT) is an in vitro, non-animal test designed to identify those chemicals and mixtures capable of inducing moderate skin irritation (UN GHS Category 2 Skin Irritants1), and to discriminate UN GHS Category 2 Skin Irritants from UN GHS 3 Mild Skin Irritants as well as those not requiring classification for skin irritation potential. This test method is useful for regulatory classification and labeling of chemicals and mixtures, and depending upon the regulatory jurisdiction and framework the test results may be used as standalone or to support a weight of evidence approach. Since skin irritation in vivo typically results from chemical-induced cell damage and subsequent inflammatory cascade, this test method provides a mechanistically-relevant measurement of cell viability in reconstructed human epidermis (RhE) tissues after a single topically-applied chemical treatment, relative to negative control-treated tissues. Chemicals which reduce relative viability to ≤ 50% would be classified as an irritant (and a potential corrosive), while those which result in a relative viability > 50% would not be classified as a skin irritant in accordance with UN GHS Category 2. INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH has extensive expertise with a wide variety of reconstructed skin-based protocols. NOTE: Since this test method does not discriminate UN GHS categories 1 and 2, an irritant prediction by this test method should be followed up with a test for potential skin corrosion, using any of the validated corrosivity test methods. 1) Corrositex Membrane Barrier Time Monitor Corrosion Test Method and 2) In Vitro Skin Corrosion Test using a Reconstructed Human Epidermis (RhE) Model A variety of other protocols are available to evaluate for potential skin irritation to support product development, product stewardship, candidate formulation selection and other non-regulatory applications, and can provide a rank ordering of skin irritation potential. A variety of protocols allow for evaluation of mild formulations: 1) Time-to-Toxicity ET50 Screening protocol, and 2) Cytokine Expression Assay for Mild Products and for moderate to corrosive products and mixtures: 3) In Vitro Skin Irritation / Corrosion Screen. For more information please contact INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH for assistance in developing specialized protocols for your test materials. INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH: Fast Project Execution: personal - competent - reliable --> More than 80 test laboratories - Product safety - Regulatory service - In vitro tests - All OECD tests for pharmaceuticals, chemicals, medical devices and cosmetics - Study monitoring, MSDS etc.
OECD 435 - Skin Corrosion : "In Vitro Membrane Barrier Test Method for Skin Corrosion" (Corrositex)

OECD 435 - Skin Corrosion : "In Vitro Membrane Barrier Test Method for Skin Corrosion" (Corrositex)

OECD 435 - Skin Corrosion : "In Vitro Membrane Barrier Test Method for Skin Corrosion" (Corrositex) Fast Project Execution: personal - competent - reliable --> INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH offers various test strategies without animal testing for examining skin Corrosion: - OECD 435 - Skin Corrosion : "In Vitro Membrane Barrier Test Method for Skin Corrosion" (Corrositex): The Corrositex® assay is a standardized and quantitative in vitro test developed as a replacement for the dermal corrosivity rabbit test. The Corrositex® assay is presently the only in vitro assay approved by the U.S. Department of Transportation for testing potential corrosive materials and assigning packing group categories. For more information please contact INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH for assistance in developing specialized protocols for your test materials. INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH: Fast Project Execution: personal - competent - reliable --> More than 80 test laboratories - Product safety - Regulatory service - In vitro tests - All OECD tests for pharmaceuticals, chemicals, medical devices and cosmetics - Study monitoring, MSDS etc. #projectmanagement #study #chemicals #biocides #cosmetics #pharma #regulatory #toxicological #laboratory #reach #medical #invitro #OECD431 #OECD439 #OECD435 #testing #test #labor
Körperpflege, Haarpflege, Gesichtspflege

Körperpflege, Haarpflege, Gesichtspflege

Ob Entwicklung, Herstellung oder Abfüllung – wir sind Ihr Spezialist für Personal-Care-Produkte. Dank unserer langjährigen Erfahrung in der Kosmetikbranche und unserer modernen Infrastruktur decken wir sämtliche Bereiche der pflegenden Kosmetik ab. Unser Leistungs­spektrum um­fasst die kom­plette pfle­gende Kos­metik von der Gesichts- bis zur Körper- und Haar­pflege.


SpotScan Der Präsenzmelder SpotScan erweist sich als Multitalent in der Türabsicherung. Im stationären Betrieb sichert er Quetsch- und Scherkanten von automatischen Karussell- und Drehflügeltüren punktuell ab. In der mitfahrenden Betriebsart lässt er sich als Auffahrschutz einsetzen. Bei Schiebe- und Rundbogenschiebetüren überwacht er die Haupt- und Nebenschliesskanten zuverlässig. Einsatz an Rundbogenschiebetüren Der SpotScan schützt Personen an der Hauptschliesskante vor dem Einklemmen. Die Sicherheitsfelder werden gleichmässig entlang des ganzen Türbogens verteilt. SpotScan – Aktivinfrarot-Präsenzmelder für Rundbogen-, Karussell- und Schiebetüren Dank seiner kompakten Bauform passt der SpotScan in jede Einbausituation. Er eignet sich zur Personenzählung und erfasst die Präsenz von Personen oder Objekten auf Fahrtreppen und in Aufzügen. Auch die Kontrolle von Personen- und Sicherheitsschleusen auf deren Besetzung gehört zu seinem Einsatzgebiet. So vielseitig der SpotScan ist, so einfach lässt er sich einstellen: Über die drei DIP-Schalter an der Frontseite des Gerätes werden Betriebsart, Signalausgang und Sendefrequenz konfiguriert. Je nach Montagehöhe kann der Schaltpunkt des Infrarot-Lichttasters über die mechanische Verstellschraube nach oben oder unten ausgerichtet werden.
MP Handdesinfektion

MP Handdesinfektion

Auf Basis von Bio-Ethanol schützt wirksam gegen Viren, Bakterien und Pilze. MP Handdesinfektionsmittel auf Basis von Bio-Ethanol schützt wirksam gegen Viren, Bakterien und Pilze. Hochwertiges, gebrauchsfertiges Handdesinfektionsmittel. Sofortwirkend, hautschonend und rückfettend, parfümfrei. WHO-Formulierung. Gebinde: Gebinde Menge: 5 Liter
MP Handdesinfektion

MP Handdesinfektion

Auf Basis von Bio-Ethanol schützt wirksam gegen Viren, Bakterien und Pilze. MP Handdesinfektionsmittel auf Basis von Bio-Ethanol schützt wirksam gegen Viren, Bakterien und Pilze. Hochwertiges, gebrauchsfertiges Handdesinfektionsmittel. Sofortwirkend, hautschonend und rückfettend, parfümfrei. WHO-Formulierung. Gebinde: Flasche Menge: 1 Liter