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3 Part Painted Recycle Trash Bin Set

3 Part Painted Recycle Trash Bin Set

3 Part Painted Recycle Trash Bin Set Size 90*20*60 Colors: Blue , Yellow , Green Recycle Trash Bin
Painted Corner Recycle Trash Bin Set With 3 Buckets

Painted Corner Recycle Trash Bin Set With 3 Buckets

3 Part Painted Recycle Trash Bin Set Size: 30cm*30cm*30*cm*60cm Color: Yellow and Blue and Black Model number: 1889
Painted Recycle Trash Bin

Painted Recycle Trash Bin

Painted Recycle Trash Bin Set Color: Light Grey. Size: 64cm*30cm. Product Cod: TK-1003D Material: Metal
1100 LT Medical Waste Container

1100 LT Medical Waste Container

The raw material used is produced to be resistant to sunlight, heat and cold. Optionally, a magnetic lock system can be added. All 4 of the wheels rotate 360 degrees, 2 of them with brakes and 2 of them with non-brake swivels. The products have the feature of nesting. If it will be presented to the product, the lids can be opened more easily by adding a pedal. Front Attention MEDICAL WASTE logo and text. It is produced according to EN 840 – 6 Standards. The measurements given above are approximate and there may be +/- 5% deviation from the measurements.