Paper ECO | PRO | PRO Color | FOOD | FOOD Greaseproof
Paper solutions for your business
Paper ECO is a simple paper format, available in squares, rectangles, circles or other distinct and customizable geometrical shapes.
Paper PRO have a higher weight. Available in squares, rectangles, circles or other distinct and customizable geometrical shapes.
Paper PRO Color is a coloured paper format, available in squares, rectangles, circles and customizable geometrical shapes.
Paper FOOD is a paper format with compatibility with the food industry. Available in squares, rectangles, circles or other distinct and customized geometrical shapes.
Paper FOOD Greaseproof is a paper format with an anti-grease barrier and compatibility for the food industry. Available in squares, rectangles, circles or other distinct and customizable geometrical shapes.
Shapes: Squares | Rectangles | Circles | Starts | Other Shapes
Food Compatibility: Yes
Anti-grease Barrier: Yes
Sustainability: FSC Certificate