Finden Sie schnell containers für Ihr Unternehmen: 46 Ergebnisse

3000 LT Recycling Container

3000 LT Recycling Container

With the ramp waste system located in front of the back box, it is prevented that the wastes are easily thrown into the container and interfered with. Back piggy bank is produced in a way that it can be fixed to the floor with steel dowels, if desired, thanks to the aesthetic city furniture legs. The recycling piggy bank is used today in city centers, shopping malls, parks, hotels and outlets.
See Transport

See Transport

Seetransporte auf die ganze Welt 1. INTERNATIONALE SEEFRACHT Starkes Globales Netzwerk in der Seefracht Sertrans ist Ihr zuverlässiger Lösungspartner auf dem Seeweg und steht mit 6901 Agenturen, fast 200 Ländern und mehr als 817 Geschäftspartnern zur Verfügung. Wenn Sie nach einem zuverlässigen Lösungspartner in Denizyol suchen, ist es nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis sich unsere Straßen kreuzen. Ein starker Führer auf See Mit den Lösungen, die Sertrans für den Seetransport in fast 200 Ländern und mehr als 817 Punkten anbietet, steigern wir Ihren Handel. Sertrans Logistik, Mitglied der WCA (World Cargo Alliance), bietet den weltweit wichtigsten Wettbewerbsvorteil für Fracht und zuverlässige Seeverkehrsdienste. Es führt Seetransporte in seinen Häfen durch. Mit seinen maßgeschneiderten Dienstleistungen erleichtert Sertrans seinen Geschäftspartnern das Leben und wertet ihr Geschäft auf. • Starkes und breites Agenturnetzwerk, • Verschiedene Optionen für Reeder (Linien), • Lieferung von Tür zu Tür in alle Ecken der Welt, • . Wettbewerbsfähige Preisvorteile bei Konsolidierung, • . Ladefähigkeit für volle Container (FCL) und teilweise (LCL), • Transport mit spezieller Ausrüstung (offenes Oberteil, flaches Gestell, Kühlcontainer), • .Schiffscharter-Dienstleistungen, • Transitsendungen (Cross Trade), • Projekttransport. Lösungen nach Bedarf Sertrans plant alle Arten von Transportkombinationen vor dem Transport, die auf die Bedürfnisse seiner Geschäftspartner zugeschnitten sind. Neben der Durchführung von FCL- und LCL-Transporten auf der Basis von Containern gehören zu den Lösungen auch Modelle für den Transport zwischen Modellen wie Land-See-, See-Luft- und See-Schiene-Integration. Mit seinen wettbewerbsfähigen Preisvorteilen, seinem starken und breiten Agenturnetzwerk ist Sertrans Ihr effektivster Lösungspartner im Bereich des internationalen Seeverkehrs
Ormanya Mini Kölnständer

Ormanya Mini Kölnständer

Der Ormanya Mini Cologne Stand ist eine vielseitige und elegante Lösung zur Präsentation einer Vielzahl von aromatischen Kolonien. Dieser Stand enthält 20 PET-Plastikflaschen, von denen jede 50 ml hochwertige Kolonie enthält. Die Kolonien sind in sechs köstlichen Sorten erhältlich: Rosmarin, Medizinische Minze, Lavendel, Mandarine, Zitrone und Quittenblüte. Egal, ob Sie ein Einzelhändler sind, der sein Produktangebot erweitern möchte, oder ein Distributor, der hochwertige Kolonien anbieten möchte, dieser Stand ist die ideale Wahl. Er bietet nicht nur eine vielfältige Auswahl an Düften, sondern sorgt auch dafür, dass Ihre Kunden Zugang zu hochwertigen, aromatischen Erlebnissen haben. Der Ormanya Mini Cologne Stand wurde sowohl mit Blick auf Ästhetik als auch Funktionalität entworfen und eignet sich perfekt für jede Einzelhandelsumgebung. Seine kompakte Größe macht es einfach, ihn auf Theken oder Regalen zu platzieren, während die Vielzahl an Düften eine breite Palette von Kundenpräferenzen anspricht. Durch das Angebot dieses Stands können Sie mehr Kunden anziehen und den Umsatz steigern, indem Sie ihnen ein einzigartiges und ansprechendes Produkt bieten. Verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit, diesen exquisiten Kolonie-Stand in Ihr Sortiment aufzunehmen und das Duftangebot Ihres Unternehmens zu verbessern. ORMANYA MINI COLOGNE STAND - Im Stand befinden sich 20 50 ml PET (Plastikflaschen) Kolonie. 6 Sorten (bestehend aus Rosmarin, Medizinischer Minze, Lavendel, Mandarine, Zitrone, Quittenblüte). Wir bitten Sie, uns die gewünschten Sorten nach Ihrer Bestellung zuzusenden. Rufen Sie "0262 322 02 41" an oder schreiben Sie Ihren Namen und Nachnamen - die Art der Kolonie, die Sie möchten, an unsere WhatsApp-Nummer "0537 777 11 82". Wenn Sie keine Sorte angeben, senden wir Ihnen eine gleichmäßige Verteilung von 6 Sorten. Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute, um an dieser spannenden Reise teilzunehmen und mehr über unsere Partnerschaftsmöglichkeiten zu erfahren! • Organische Flüssigseife • Natürlicher Shampoo • Natürlicher Conditioner • Natürlicher sulfatfreier Shampoo • Natürlicher parabenfreier Conditioner • Alkohol-freies Shampoo • Alkohol-freier Conditioner • Fluorid-freie natürliche Zahnpasta • Kräuter natürliche Zahnpasta • Großhandel Hydrosolen • Bulk Hydrosolen • Hydrosol-Lieferanten • Organischer Hydrosol-Großhandel • Hydrolat-Großhandel • Hydrosol-Hersteller • Hydrosol-Distributor • Hydrosolen aus der Türkei importieren • Superkritische CO2-Extraktionsdienstleistungen Türkei • CO2-Extraktionsdienstleistungen • Superkritische Fluidextraktion • Botanische Extrakte Herstellung • Natürlicher Extrakt Lieferant • Pflanzenextrakt Hersteller • Kräuter-Kapsel-Nahrungsergänzungsmittel • Natürliche Kapsel-Nahrungsergänzungsmittel • Pflanzen- und Samen-Kapsel-Nahrungsergänzungsmittel • Pflanzenextrakt-Kapsel-Nahrungsergänzungsmittel • Großhandel Trägeröle • Kräutertee Großhandel • Türkischer Honig Großhandel • Großhandel Sojawachskerzen • Natürliche Raumsprays Großhandel • Kaltgepresste Bio-Öle • Destillierte ätherische Öle • Therapeutische ätherische Öle • Botanische Extraktöle • Superkritische CO2-Extraktionsdienstleistungen • CO2-Extraktionsdienstleistungen • Superkritische Fluidextraktion • Botanische Extrakte Herstellung • Natürlicher Extrakt Lieferant • Pflanzenextrakt Hersteller • Entwicklung natürlicher Bio-Produkte • Ätherische Öl-Destillationsdienstleistungen • Großhandel botanische Zutaten • Organische Zutaten Großhandel • Großhandel ätherische Öle • Kosmetik-Zutaten Lieferant • Lebensmittel-Zutaten Lieferant • Rosmarinextrakt Sonnenblumenöl • Gesundes Speiseöl • Flüssiges Frittieröl • Natürliche konservierungsmittelfreie Öle • Antioxidantien-reiches Frittieröl • Hochwertiges Frittieröl • Großhandel Frittieröl • Verbesserte Frittieröle • Speiseöl mit Rosmarinextrakt • Premium Sonnenblumenöl zum Frittieren • Rosmarinextrakt-Rückstände • Rosmarin für Kosmetik • Bulk Rosmarinpulpe • Rosmarinfaser für Tierfutter • Natürlicher Rosmarin-Antioxidantien-Rückstand • Bulk Rosmarin Lieferant • Großhandel Rosmarinblätter • Getrockneter Rosmarin in Bulk • Frischer Rosmarin Großverkauf • Rosmarin Pflanze Großhandel • Getrocknete Rosmarin Kräuter • Getrockneter Rosmarin Großhandel • Kulinarischer getrockneter Rosmarin • Organischer getrockneter Rosmarin • Kräuter-Rosmarin-Tee • Türkischer Rosmarin Großhandel
3000L Overground Waste Container

3000L Overground Waste Container

The Above Ground Garbage Container System will automatically and manually control the container that can be operated by remote control, by the driver, by getting out of the vehicle or without getting out of the vehicle, and the control organs will be lifted from the lifting systems of the container with the on-board crane, the unloading on the vehicle will be carried out by the remote-controlled lower wings. Above ground container 3000 LT. garbage collection will have owners. The container body will be at least 1450×1600 and 1600 mm in size.
3500L Full Underground Waste Container System

3500L Full Underground Waste Container System

3500L Full Underground Waste Container System , Waste Container , 3500 Liter , Best Product Color Grey
660 LT Medical Waste Container

660 LT Medical Waste Container

The raw material used is produced to be resistant to sunlight, heat and cold. Optionally, a magnetic lock system can be added. All 4 of the wheels rotate 360 degrees, 2 of them with brakes and 2 of them with non-brake swivels. The products have the feature of nesting. If it will be presented to the product, the lids can be opened more easily by adding a pedal. Front Attention MEDICAL WASTE logo and text. It is produced according to EN 840 – 6 Standards. The measurements given below are approximate and there may be +/- 5% deviation in the measurements.
3 Part Painted Recycle Trash Bin Set With Lid

3 Part Painted Recycle Trash Bin Set With Lid

3 Part Painted Recycle Trash Bin Set With Lid High Quality Luxury Best Product Painted Colors Blue Yellow Green
Stainless Steel Recycling Trash Bin Set with 4 Buckets

Stainless Steel Recycling Trash Bin Set with 4 Buckets

Stainless Steel Recycling Trash Bin Set with 4 Buckets Model Number: TK 2526 Color: Yellow , Green ,Grey , Purple
770 LT Medical Waste Container

770 LT Medical Waste Container

The raw material used is produced to be resistant to sunlight, heat and cold. Optionally, a magnetic lock system can be added. All 4 of the wheels rotate 360 degrees, 2 of them with brakes and 2 of them with non-brake swivels. The products have the feature of nesting. If it will be presented to the product, the lids can be opened more easily by adding a pedal. Front Attention MEDICAL WASTE logo and text. It is produced according to EN 840 – 6 Standards. The measurements given below are approximate and there may be +/- 5% deviation in the measurements.
3 Part Painted Recycle Trash Bin Set

3 Part Painted Recycle Trash Bin Set

3 Part Painted Oval Shape Recycling Trash Bin Set Size: 105cm*70cm Colors: Blue, Green and Yellow.
1100 L Plastic Waste Container

1100 L Plastic Waste Container

1100 Liter Plastic Waste Container it is produced using HDPE raw material by injection mold method. It complies with EN 840 2-5-6 Standards. It is produced from original raw material. Metal Sleeves. The garbage can be emptied easily with any standard emptier. It is resistant to UV rays, cold, heat up to 60 Cº and chemicals. There are Ø 200 mm restaurants, 2 with brakes and 2 without brakes. It has a ready-to-use design structure for data storage devices. The measurements given above are approximate and there may be +/- 5% deviation from the measurements.
Painted Recycle Trash Bin

Painted Recycle Trash Bin

Painted Recycle Trash Bin Set Color: Light Grey. Size: 64cm*30cm. Product Cod: TK-1003D Material: Metal
5 Compartments Mobile Waste Receiving Center

5 Compartments Mobile Waste Receiving Center

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR 4+1 MOBILE WASTE DRIVING CENTER 1-Mobile waste collection center is manufactured according to the front dimensions of 3310x1150x2010mm according to the attached technical drawing. 2- The chassis and body parts of the mobile waste collection center will be demounted. 3- According to the attached technical drawing, the snow and rain water flow will be provided on the mobile waste collection center by inclining the rear 2.010x2.040mm. 4- The mobile waste collection center is manufactured with 5 chambers, and each waste is intended to enter the chamber from different compartments. 1= Cam waste chamber 2= Paper waste bin 3= Plastic waste container 4= Metal waste hopper 5= Battery waste container
40 LT Medical Waste Bin With Angle Pedal

40 LT Medical Waste Bin With Angle Pedal

It is made of first class plastic with a capacity of 40 liters with pedals. It is designed as a special angular design and does not have an inner bucket. It has a Medical Waste sticker.
2200L Hydraulic Jack System Underground Waste Container

2200L Hydraulic Jack System Underground Waste Container

The underground container system will be connected to the container system with the jack hose taken from the compressed garbage truck and it will be operated with manual control. 2- When the underground container system is operated due to the emptying of the inner container or for any other reason, it will be ensured that the garbage containers are brought to the ground level thanks to the moving platform. 3- The underground container system will be constructed in a scissor chassis structure and will be such that the inner containers can be emptied. 4- The chassis will be of high strength against bending and torsion. 5- Chassis will be 45x80 NPU, Scissors will be 50x100x4mm profile.
3 Part Painted Recycle Trash Bin Set

3 Part Painted Recycle Trash Bin Set

3 Part Painted Recycle Trash Bin Set Size 90*20*60 Colors: Blue , Yellow , Green Recycle Trash Bin
660LT Plastic Waste Container Green Brown

660LT Plastic Waste Container Green Brown

Size: 800x1320x1250 cm 660 Liter Plastic Waste Container The raw material used is resistant to sunlight, heat and cold. It has four wheels, 2 with brakes and 2 without brakes. The products have the feature of interpenetration. Pedals can be added optionally. Waste cover can be added optionally Optionally, magnetic lock system can be added. Wheel dimensions can be changed according to the drawings. It can be recycled when its mission is over. It is 100% compatible with Municipal Garbage Truck Loading systems. Its leak-proof feature has been obtained through tests. It retains its color and does not fade. It can be produced with 10 alternative colors. The measurements given above are approximate and there may be +/- 5% deviation from the measurements.
Painted Corner Recycle Trash Bin Set With 3 Buckets

Painted Corner Recycle Trash Bin Set With 3 Buckets

3 Part Painted Recycle Trash Bin Set Size: 30cm*30cm*30*cm*60cm Color: Yellow and Blue and Black Model number: 1889
3750L Overground Waste Container

3750L Overground Waste Container

The Above Ground Container System will remove the automatic and manual control and control controls of the container, which can be operated remotely by the driver, by getting out of the vehicle or without getting off the vehicle. Above ground container 3750 LT. He will have a garbage collection. The container body will be at least 1750×1600 and 1600 mm in size.
85 LT Medical Waste Bin With Angle Pedal

85 LT Medical Waste Bin With Angle Pedal

85 LT Medical Waste Bin With Angle Pedal It is made of first class plastic with a capacity of 85 liters with pedals. It is designed as a special angular design and does not have an inner bucket. It has a Medical Waste sticker.
1100 L Metal Galvanized Waste Container With Damper Metal Lid

1100 L Metal Galvanized Waste Container With Damper Metal Lid

Metal Galvanized Waste Container – Our 1100 Liter product is manufactured from A-1 quality galvanized sheet. It can be produced as hot dip galvanized or original galvanized. It can be produced with and without pedal options. Body and base are manufactured from a single piece of sheet metal in a conical shape to increase strength. In addition,strength-enhancing form has been given to the side parts. Considering its weight and usage areas, lifting arms are manufactured in accordance with the lifting systems of garbage trucks. In addition, 4 wheels, one of which is with a brake, are placed for our 1100 Liter Metal Garbage Container to be easy to move and transport. Welded using gas metal arc welding. Apart from 1100 liters, it can also be produced in 770 liters, 660 liters and 400 liters capacities. The measurements given above are approximate and there may be +/- 5% deviation from the measurements.
1100 L Metal Galvanized Waste Container With Plastic Lid And Pedal

1100 L Metal Galvanized Waste Container With Plastic Lid And Pedal

Our metal galvanized waste containers can be specially produced in line with the technical specifications of the product. It can be produced as hot dip galvanized or original galvanized. It can be produced with and without pedal options. Apart from 1100 liters, it can also be produced in 770 liters, 660 liters and 400 liters capacities. Cover lid color can be in different options.
1100 L Metal Galvanized Waste Container With Metal Lid

1100 L Metal Galvanized Waste Container With Metal Lid

Our metal galvanized waste containers can be specially produced in line with the technical specifications of the product. It can be produced as hot dip galvanized or original galvanized. It can be produced with and without pedal options. Apart from 1100 liters, it can also be produced in 770 liters, 660 liters and 400 liters capacities.
1100 Liter Metal Galvanized Waste Container With Plastic Cover

1100 Liter Metal Galvanized Waste Container With Plastic Cover

Our metal galvanized waste containers can be specially produced in line with the technical specifications of the product. It can be produced as hot dip galvanized or original galvanized. It can be produced with and without pedal options. Apart from 1100 liters, it can also be produced in 770 liters, 660 liters and 400 liters capacities. Cover lid color can be in different options.
240 L Plastic Waste Container With Pedal

240 L Plastic Waste Container With Pedal

240 Liter Plastic Waste Container with Pedal used raw material has sunlight, heat and cold. It has two wheels. The products have the feature of interpenetration. Pedals can be added optionally. Optionally, magnetic lock system can be added. Optionally, a waste cover can be added. Made from recyclable material. It can be easily opened, emptied and used. Its leak-proof feature has been obtained through tests. It retains its color and does not fade. It can be produced with 10 alternative colors. The measurements given above are approximate and there may be +/- 5% deviation from the measurements.
120 L Plastic Waste Container with Pedal

120 L Plastic Waste Container with Pedal

Our 120 Liter Packaging Waste Container product has been selected so that the raw material used is resistant to direct sunlight, heat and cold and has been manufactured all of them. Our product, which has been tested against various difficulties that may be encountered, has passed all the tests successfully. The raw material used is a raw material in accordance with TSE Standards. This raw material is used in all parts of our product.
660LT Plastic Waste Container Blue Color

660LT Plastic Waste Container Blue Color

Size: 800x1320x1250 cm 660 Liter Plastic Waste Container The raw material used is resistant to sunlight, heat and cold. It has four wheels, 2 with brakes and 2 without brakes. The products have the feature of interpenetration. Pedals can be added optionally. Waste cover can be added optionally Optionally, magnetic lock system can be added. Wheel dimensions can be changed according to the drawings. It can be recycled when its mission is over. It is 100% compatible with Municipal Garbage Truck Loading systems. Its leak-proof feature has been obtained through tests. It retains its color and does not fade. It can be produced with 10 alternative colors. The measurements given above are approximate and there may be +/- 5% deviation from the measurements.
120 L Plastic Waste Container

120 L Plastic Waste Container

Outer Dimension: 940 x 480 x 540 mm Material: HDPE Galvanized Steel Shaft Cover: Hinged Cover Certificate: EN 840 120 Liter Garbage Container used raw material has sunlight, heat and cold. It has two wheels. The products have the feature of interpenetration. Pedals can be added optionally. Optionally, magnetic lock system can be added. Optionally, a waste cover can be added. Made from recyclable material. It can be easily opened, emptied and used. Its leak-proof feature has been obtained through tests. It retains its color and does not fade. It can be produced with 10 alternative colors. The properties and conditions requested by the groups are written on the containers by silk screen printing or hot stamping. The measurements given above are approximate and there may be +/- 5% deviation from the measurements.
240 L Plastic Waste Container

240 L Plastic Waste Container

Outer Dimension: 1060 x 580 x 740 mm Galvanized Steel Shaft Cover: Hinged Cover Certification: EN 840 240 Liter Plastic Waste Container used raw material has sunlight, heat and cold. It has two wheels. The products have the feature of interpenetration. Pedals can be added optionally. Optionally, magnetic lock system can be added. Optionally, a waste cover can be added. Made from recyclable material. It can be easily opened, emptied and used. Its leak-proof feature has been obtained through tests. It retains its color and does not fade. It can be produced with 10 alternative colors. The measurements given above are approximate and there may be +/- 5% deviation from the measurements.
660 L Plastic Waste Container

660 L Plastic Waste Container

Product Size: 800x1320x1250; Weight: 41,50kg. Size: 800x1320x1250 cm 660 Liter Plastic Waste Container The raw material used is resistant to sunlight, heat and cold. It has four wheels, 2 with brakes and 2 without brakes. The products have the feature of interpenetration. Pedals can be added optionally. Waste cover can be added optionally Optionally, magnetic lock system can be added. Wheel dimensions can be changed according to the drawings. It can be recycled when its mission is over. It is 100% compatible with Municipal Garbage Truck Loading systems. Its leak-proof feature has been obtained through tests. It retains its color and does not fade. It can be produced with 10 alternative colors. The measurements given above are approximate and there may be +/- 5% deviation from the measurements