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21BF nuvoDisc Nutenloser bürstenloser DC Flachmotor

21BF nuvoDisc Nutenloser bürstenloser DC Flachmotor

Bürstenlose DC-Motoren Der 21BF nuvoDisc nutenlose BLDC Motor besitzt 6 einezelne eisenlose Wicklungen. Er bietet lange Lebensdauer, ausgezeichnete Positionier- und Geschwindikeitüberwachung und vibrationsarme Umdrehungen. Durch die Nutzung von Discmagnetscheiben fallen Eisenverluste weg und eine flache Bauform ist möglich. Motor Highlights Mit und ohne Hall Sensoren Nutenlos 8 Poolpaare Kompaktes Design Keine Eisenverluste Hoher Wirkungsgrat Flache Bauform 3 Phasen Kundenspezifische Lösungen Wellenlänge Sonderwicklungen Kabel und Stecker Kundenspezifische Montagen Anwendungen Atmungs-und Beatmungsgeräte Vermessungstechnik Pharmazeutische Dosierung Barcode Lesegeräte Daten Handling Klinische Diagnostik
26BF-2A nuvoDisc Slotless Brushless DC Flat Motor

26BF-2A nuvoDisc Slotless Brushless DC Flat Motor

The 26BF-2A nuvoDisc Slotless Brushless DC Flat Motor utilizes a disc magnet slotless design with an internal integrated electronic circuit. Featuring a 26mm diameter and a simple drive mechanism, thi New 26BF-2A nuvoDisc Flat Motor Leverages Disc Magnet Technology and Integrated Electronics to Deliver Dynamic Motion Profile Portescap is expanding its nuvoDisc™ motor range with the introduction of the 26BF-2A brushless DC slotless flat miniature motor, which features a diameter of 26mm and a body length of 11mm. Benefiting from the usage of disc magnet technology and a cost-optimized design, the 26BF-2A reliably delivers a dynamic motion profile, excellent speed-torque performances, and high-power density in a flat, compact architecture. The 26BF-2A features two standout characteristics: a larger front ball bearing and integrated electronics. The front ball bearing assembly is larger than most of the standard options available in the market by 1-2mm, thus helping the motor withstand higher axial and radial loads, while the internal integrated electronics ensure that the 26BF-2A provides a plug-and[1]play solution marked by lower installation time and lesser system complexity. It is also able to deliver a max continuous torque up to 3.5mNm and speeds up to 12,000 rpm. Designed for space-constrained applications that focus on high-speed and low-to-medium torque performance capabilities, the 26BF-2A is an excellent fit for premium tattoo machines, LiDAR, and PAPR (powered air purifying respirator) devices. It can also be an ideal solution for applications that are looking to transition from brush DC to brushless DC flat BLDC solutions, as well as those searching for simple drive solutions.
90ECF Brushless Flat Motor

90ECF Brushless Flat Motor

90ECF Brushless Flat Motor Offers Extremely High Torque and Reduced Complexity in a Compact Envelope Portescap is excited to announce the launch of the 90ECF brushless DC flat slotted motor, which is the newest – and largest – motor to join our flat motor portfolio. The 90ECF features a performance-optimized design that utilizes an outer rotor configuration with an overall body length of 40mm, enabling it to deliver high power density and smooth output torque in a compact package. The standard version is available with hall sensors, while a sensorless option can be made available upon request. A standout characteristic of the 90ECF is its ability to provide maximum continuous torque up to 1 Nm, which makes it an ideal choice for miniature applications that are searching for direct drive solutions. This not only facilitates the elimination of motor accessories like gearheads in certain cases, but also assists in reducing the motion system’s overall complexity, thereby providing a lower cost of ownership. The 90ECF’s high torque capabilities and cost-optimized nature make it an ideal solution for a variety of medical and industrial applications. These include robotic applications like wheel drives, exoskeletons, and underwater UAVs; oxygen concentrators; and aerospace and defense applications such as drones and military robots.
20ECF Brushless Slotted Flat Motor

20ECF Brushless Slotted Flat Motor

Der bürstenlose, genutete Flachmotor 20ECF ergänzt das Portfolio bürstenloser Motoren von Portescap
32mm Brushless Slotted Flat Motor

32mm Brushless Slotted Flat Motor

Portescap erweitert sein Portfolio an bürstenlosen Motoren mit einem neuen bürstenlosen, genuteten 32-mm-Flachmotor