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FFP 2 Masken

FFP 2 Masken

Melt-Blown Viesstoffe Bakterienfilter-Effizienz BFE von 99,4% UNSERE PRODUKTE UND SERVICE: Melt-Blown Viesstoffe Bakterienfilter-Effizienz BFE von 99,4% Medizinische und Atem-Masken FFP1, FFP2 und FFP3 Rohmaterial für Maskenfertigung (Elastikbänder und Drähte) Schutzbekleidung (Schürzen, Kittel, Overalls und Schuhe) Desinfektionsmittel Arzttaschen für Ärzte und Sanitäter LabLabortests für medizinische und Atemschutz-Masken (BFE PFE) Maskenherstellungstechnologien und Knowhow Herkunfsland: Deutschland
meltblown made in Germany - for FFP2 mask (filtration material)

meltblown made in Germany - for FFP2 mask (filtration material)

meltblown - filtration material for personal protection masks FFP2 type, made in Germany, production plant is in Eberswalde by Berlin Available weights and widths of Melt Blown non-woven fabric: GSM: 25 g/m2 / 30 g/m2, 40 g/m2 Widths: 180 mm, 260 mm, 1600 mm And other on request Melt-Blown fabrics are widely used in the production of surgical masks, commodity masks, and filtering facepieces, otherwise known as FFP1, FFP2, FFP3 respirators. Masks that are made with Melt Blown fabric with BFE of 99.41% can effectively block the spread of bacteria and viruses. This prevents cross-infection among people and the spread of various bacteria at different times of year. It can also effectively prevent pollen allergy and reduce the impact of harmful pollutants, bacteria and viruses on the human body. This is beneficial for doctors, nurses and other medical staff, as well as private individuals. made in: Germany weight: kg