xiJ camera series - Strong performance in scientific and low-light applications
xiJ camera series - Strong performance in scientific and low-light applications

xiJ camera series - Strong performance in scientific and low-light applications

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Meticulously engineered to deliver unparalleled performance and versatility, our latest scientific imaging systems are compact and highly sensitive. Utilizing advanced thermoelectric Peltier cooling, an impressive temperature reduction down to -25 °C can be achieved, enabling a minimal dark current of <0.6 [e-/s/pix at -20 °C], providing a stable imaging environment even in challenging conditions. In addition, our system's housing is carefully crafted from stainless steel and copper to enhance thermal stability and ensure durability. Indium seals further contribute to the long-term stability of the sensor chamber climate, providing a reliable and robust platform for your experiments. Customize your imaging setup with ease by choosing from a variety of lens mounts, including C-mount and M42-mount. - Scientific grade family of sCMOS sensors from Gpixel - Resolutions 4.2 Mpix and 15 Mpix - Includes versions with backside illuminated sensors
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