Injection-Style Measurement Calorimeter
Injection-Style Measurement Calorimeter

Injection-Style Measurement Calorimeter

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Zero Hydrocarbon Emissions Our NEW COSA XENTAUR™ 9800CXi™ Calorimeter is a fast response, injection-style zero-hydrocarbon emissions calorimeter. It can provide measurement of Heating Value over the full measurement range. A real advantage with the 9800CXi calorimeter is that it can handle high sulfur concentrations with an H2 measurement option coming soon. An injection-style zero-hydrocarbon emissions calorimeter is a specialized instrument used for measuring the calorific value of flare line while allowing the stream bypass to return to process, without added air and no environmental impact. Unlike traditional flame calorimeters that require the use of a constant flow of hydrocarbon fuel for ignition and operation, an injection-style zero-hydrocarbon emissions calorimeter does not require an alternative ignition system. Uses an internal furnace at 1000C to fully combust all the sample, including Sulphur’s and eliminates the need for additional hydrocarbon fuels to operate the calorimeter. Industrial PLC System, touchscreen HMI High temperature combustion Flameless / no flameouts Built for indoor, outdoor, dirty, and corrosive environments Precise measurement of air fuel ratio Global service and repairs Compact, sturdy O2 Cell is designed to be cost-effective, and for ease of maintenance and service Internal sample system up to 50°C with options to 100°C Full measurement range of the heating value without the need of a specific gravity meter ADVANTAGES Key advantages to using our measuring principle, based on the Residual Oxygen Measurement Method, are its minimal drift with changes in ambient temperature, fast response times with the ability to process low heating value sample gases without instruments shut down. A small constant volume of sample gas is injected into a continuous flow of combustion air with each measurement cycle, providing a precisely maintained fuel/air ratio profile. The fuel air mixture is oxidized in the combustion furnace at 1000°C, and the residual oxygen concentration of the combustion sample is measured by a zirconia oxide sensor. The residual oxygen provides an accurate method of measuring Heating Value with optional measurement of Wobbe Index correlated to Specific Gravity of the sample gas. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Regulations Updated Flare Gas Monitoring Solutions On December 2, 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) revealed its conclusive regulation aimed at significantly slashing methane and air pollution emissions originating from oil and natural gas operations. This comprehensive final measure, spanning over 1,600 pages, encompasses enhanced and updated standards for methane and other air pollutants from new, modified, and reconstructed sources. Additionally, it provides emissions guidelines to aid states in formulating plans aimed at curbing methane emissions from existing sources. Download the EPA Fact Sheet For complete flare gas monitoring for compliance with regulations: Total Sulfur Excimer UV FGA-1000™ Flare Gas Analyzer Injection Style Calorimeter for Zero-Hydrocarbon Emissions for BTU and Flare Control 9800 CXi ™ Calorimeter Real-Time Mass Spectrometers for Compliance and Flare Control MAX300-RTG™ 2.0 BENEFITS Benefits of the 9800CXi injection-style zero-hydrocarbon emissions calorimeter include: Hydrogen Measurement fully integrated into analyzer including power and communications. Hydrogen Measurement (optional) – Range up to 0-100% High Accuracy: Provides highly accurate results for measuring the calorific value of fuels, with a precision of +/-1% full scale. Fast Response Time: Has a fast response time, making it suitable for monitoring and control of flares. Low Sample Volume: Requires a small sample volume, which reduces the amount of sample required for measurement. Wide Measurement Range: Has a wide measurement range, which makes it suitable for measuring the heating value of various gaseous samples. Easy to Operate: Is easy to operate, with a user-friendly interface and intuitive controls. Durable: Made of high-quality materials and is designed for durability and long-term use. Measures low heating value gases. Low maintenance Flameless / no flameouts Measures Heating Vales, Wobbe, CARI and Specific Gravity with Optional SG Cell. EPA 40CFR63.670(j) Compliant Direct Measurement Method (ASTM D-4891 Compliant) Gross (HHV/higher heating value) or net (LHV/lower heating value) Small footprint US – Canada / Class 1 Div 2 Groups B, C, D T3 ATEX / Ex Ib px IIC T3 Gb Ta APPLICATIONS Flare Stack Control Fuel Optimization Gas Blending Custody Transfer Flare Monitoring Biogas Natural gas
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