Ultra-high Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope SU9000
Ultra-high Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope SU9000Ultra-high Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope SU9000

Ultra-high Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope SU9000

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External view of the SU9000 in-lens cold-field emission XHR SEM. To allow practical usage of the electron optical power, the optics system has been enclosed in a protective housing. The SU9000 is HITACHI's new premium SEM. It features unique electron optics, with the sample positioned inside a gap between the upper and lower parts of the objective lens pole piece. This so-called true in-lens concept - combined with the next generation of HITACHI's cold field emission technology - guarantees the highest possible system resolution (SE resolution 0.4 nm @ 30 kV, 1.2 nm @ 1 kV without requiring beam deceleration technology [0.8nm with beam deceleration]) and stability. To make this resolving power usable in practical applications in your lab, the SU9000 utilizes an ultra-stable side-entry sample stage similar to high-end TEM systems and incorporates optimized vibration damping and a closed cabinet to shield the electron optics from environmental noise. Furthermore, the clean vacuum concept of the SU9000 offers a vacuum level in the gun and sample chamber that is one order of magnitude better than the previous generation, thereby minimizing sample contamination artifacts (effective pre-observation cleaning of the samples themselves can be achieved using Hitachi's ZONESEM sample cleaner). In addition to pure, unsurpassed resolution, the SU9000 is also equipped with a remarkable 2+2 detection system for sample surface, composition and transmission observations. The combined use of the patented Super ExB filter with the first upper detector allows users to filter and collect SE and LA-BSE signal energies of interest, thereby suppressing charging artifacts and showing topographical details, and the top detector selectively receives HA-BSE signals, providing topography-free information of material and crystallographical orientation differences. This signal selection technology makes the SU9000 a preferred system for catalyst and other areas of research as well as for biological and pharmaceutical immunolabeling applications when used in combination with a cryogenic sample holder. The SU9000 is also an incredibly powerful low-kV STEM, often exhibiting higher contrast on critical sample features than high-energy S-TEM systems. In addition, simultaneous Brightfield and annular Darkfield imaging is possible with the Darkfield detector settable to 56 different positions for an optimized selection of Z-contrast of the pattern of interest. The stunning stability of the SU9000 allows a guaranteed STEM resolution specification of 0.34 nm, enabling the observation of graphite lattice fringes for example in a carbon nanotube. • The world's highest SE resolution of 0.4 nm at 30 kV is guaranteed. • Usable magnification of up to 3,000,000x. • Newly designed CFE GUN provides high brightness and an extremely stable emission current. • Superior low kV performance for observing beam sensitive materials. • Next generation Hitachi In-Lens SEM optics allows for routine observation at 1,000,000x. • Improved vacuum technology that allows for UHV levels for reduced sample contamination. • Highly engineered instrument enclosure featuring both superior strength and stability to allow for high resolution imaging in a broad range of environmental conditions. • Newly designed objective lens enables high resolution imaging at a low acceleration voltage. • Side entry sample exchange system increases throughput by reducing the time required to change samples and automatically positioning the sample at the current WD. Artikelnummer: SU9000
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