INTIMATE COMFORT : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service
INTIMATE COMFORT : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

INTIMATE COMFORT : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

Über dieses Produkt

A complete FULL-SERVICE OFFER for food supplement with biotics for INTIMATE COMFORT (Vaginal candidasis, Bacterial vaginosis...) - Tailor-made and ready-to-market formulas - Available in : - Capsules (in blisters or bottles) - Powder in sticks - Oily bases in bottles with droper - Wide-ranging sourcing of biotics: generic or scientifically documented, from referenced to niche suppliers - Large, medium, and small batches: MOQ, lead times and controlled costs -Management of packaging items: boxes, blisters, pillboxes, bottles, bottle tops, etc.
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