of project management software
of project management software

of project management software

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Easy time entry Accounting for time is easier than ever; employees can use an app on their smartphone, tablet, or laptop to enter the time they spent on each project. The available reports give you a clear overview of what’s going on and what actions are needed, which allows you to ensure projects meet your customers’ expectations and deadlines. Invoice correctly on time With our invoicing functionality you can invoice your customers based on the entered time and costs. It also gives you a complete overview of the invoices you send out and allows you to send out payment reminders when necessary. All in all, you will save a lot of time on invoicing your customers. More billable hours Prevent profit from dwindling as the number of employees and complex projects increases. Our project management software puts you in control of costs and margins by providing you the insights you need. This will allow you to increase your billable hours without expanding your capacity. Replace monthly targets with recurring revenue Bolster your customer relations and capitalise on recurring revenue. With Exact for Project Management you can sell goods and services as monthly, quarterly, or yearly subscriptions and gain insight into your recurring revenue and expected growth. Manageable growth Do you want to stay in control of your growth? Exact can help. Manage your projects centrally, settle accounts between branch offices, and consolidate without using spreadsheets. This means you’ll have the tools to keep growing at the pace you set. Do business anywhere, any time In the office, with your customers, or at home; Exact’s software works everywhere. Manage your most important data on your laptop, smartphone, or tablet. Exact supports you in your growth and overcoming challenges, so that you can stay in business. No matter what happens. Client testimonials Van Wijngaarden - Finance, invoicing, inventory, manufacturing, CRM, projects and purchasing – everything is now connected and carried out within a single system. This works brilliantly for us. Despite the growth of the company our office still has the same number of staff, which is really saying something. Valk Welding - We appreciate going with the flow of developments of an Exact standard package. This leads to a stable and continuous process. Exact is also a stable partner Tebodin - With Exact Globe, we have been able to reduce our reporting time by 20%. Yogi Tea - Quality requirements, warehousing and administration under control. Qlip - As a dairy country, we’re already forerunners, but there’s still a whole new world to conquer. Exact’s software will help a quality control company such as Qlip to maintain this leading position even more effectively. Agrifac Machinery - The Exact solution is intelligently set up, our information overview becoming increasingly more accurate which in turn supports the effectiveness of our planning. It’s a piece of cake to review or update your production plans in Exact. Our solutions Choose the right package for your company or use the product selector Exact Online Projects Plus
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