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The WIBA gutter machine is a highly precise, stationary production machine specifically designed for the efficient and high-quality manufacturing of gutters in industrial workshops and metal processing plants. It is ideal for series production of metal gutter profiles and offers a reliable and automated solution for producing roof drainage systems. Technical Description: Application Area: Stationary machine for use in metalworking workshops and production facilities. Designed for the production of gutters from various metals such as galvanized steel, aluminum, copper, or stainless steel. Suitable for different gutter shapes like half-round, box-shaped, or custom profiles. Processing Capacity: Processes metal sheets of varying widths and thicknesses, typically in the range of 0.5 mm to 1.0 mm. Designed for continuous operation with high production capacity. Adaptable to various gutter sizes, such as 250 mm, 333 mm, or 400 mm, depending on requirements. Roll-Forming Technology: The machine operates with a series of precisely aligned roller pairs that gradually bend the sheet into the desired shape. Rollers made from hardened steel ensure long service life and consistently high-quality profiles. Each roll-forming station is optimized for specific bending operations to ensure uniform and clean shaping without material damage. Automation and Control: The WIBA gutter machine is equipped with a fully automatic control system that allows easy programming of production parameters. Operated via a user-friendly touchscreen interface displaying all relevant production data and allowing adjustments to profile size and material thickness. Automated processes significantly accelerate production and ensure high repeatability. Production Speed: High production speed with continuous material feed. Designed for the series production of large quantities, with an average production rate of several meters per minute. Integrated cutting function for precise trimming of finished gutters to the desired length. Quality Control: The machine enables consistent quality monitoring through integrated sensors that control material feed and shaping. Precise reproducibility of profiles, which is especially advantageous in mass production. Robust Construction: Built from durable materials designed for use in demanding production environments. Heavy, stable frame to prevent vibrations and ensure precise manufacturing processes. Long lifespan with minimal maintenance required. Safety Features: Equipped with integrated safety features such as emergency stop buttons and protective covers for safe operation. The machine complies with all relevant safety standards for industrial use. Additional Features and Options: Expandable with various modules for additional processing steps, such as embossing logos or markings on the gutters. Optional integration of automation modules for packaging or transporting the finished products. Advantages of the WIBA Gutter Machine: High Precision: Advanced roll-forming technology ensures uniform and precise shaping. Efficiency: Automated processes enable fast series production and increase productivity. Durability: The machine is robustly built and requires minimal maintenance. Flexibility: Can be adapted to different profile requirements and types of materials. The WIBA gutter machine is ideal for professional workshops and metal processing plants that produce gutters in large quantities and consistently high quality. Thanks to its robust construction and automation options, it is an indispensable solution for industrial gutter production.
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